Finding A Daily Writing Rhythm

Ideas about the disciplines and grit to write every day

Prashansa Gadgil
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
7 min readMar 16, 2024


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Beginning a writing session with a foggy mind might not be ideal. Before tackling your writing project for the day, you could try clearing your mind with a short stream-of-consciousness writing exercise. This might help clear your mind and allow more authentic and creative ideas to flow.

I did not know the power and importance of this until I began practicing it not long ago. What prompted me to do it was listening to some interviews and reading the works of Julia Cameron.

One of the core ideas she promotes is Morning Pages. This is a practice of writing three pages long-hand first thing in the morning. Write whatever is on the top of your mind—gratitude, rants, worries, ramblings of the last day, no matter what… Empty your brain of the clutter.

I am now noticing that many famous authors and creators have been following this method. I only noticed it after reading about it.

Here is a very clear and concise explanation by Tim Ferris —



Prashansa Gadgil
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Engineer. MBA. English Tutor. Author. But My Favorite & Most Enriching Role: Being A ‘Mom!’