Finding Freedom: The Power Of Saying NO

Samoon mohd
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2024
Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash

Sometimes you do very important work, but someone says to you that you are doing some work or doing something else. You want to say no, but don’t say it because you feel like that is discouraging you from saying no. But do you think one thing — your own work — is more important than others? Is the work you do for others or giving your time beneficial to you or not? others do your work when they have their own? Think about it.

Why don’t we say no?

Saying no is difficult, but it is necessary. Every time we have two options, saying no or yes, we mostly choose yes because it’s easy. Maybe we don’t have the courage to say no, or maybe we were taught to say yes by our society.

The main reason you don’t say no is because you want to be nice. You want empathy. If you don’t say no to somebody or do some work, you are suffering from nice guy syndrome. Yes, you say no because you pretend to be yourself as a nice guy, and maybe you want attention from that person. Sometimes you wonder how they feel if I say no to this or that work of this person. But one thing is kept in mind: you don’t say no to someone; you become a puppet for others.

importance of saying no

We always think about helping others, but we never think about our own loss. There are many benefits to saying no, just like

  1. self-respect — learning to enhance your self-respect. because if you say no to someone, you are showing that you respect their time. Saying no gives you confidence, and it gives you a strong image of yourself in front of others.
  2. time management — saying no to things that don’t match your goals is saving you time. If you do unrelated work other than your own, you have definitely ruined your time. Saying no is the best way to save your time or manage it for yourself.
  3. Preserving mental and emotional health — most of the time you say yes, and after that, you feel regret. Why don’t I say no to this work? Saying yes affects your mental and emotional health because you get everyone’s help, but when you need help and anyone doesn’t do that, you feel emotionally low. Sometimes you do your important work and somebody asks for your help, and you do your own work to stay back, which gives you mental tension.
  4. setting boundaries — saying no to establishing a boundary of yours. people now that you do that work or not. By saying no, you set your limits and represent that you prioritize your own time and work first. It also helps boost your confidence.

Saying no has many other benefits for your day-to-day life. If you say no to someone, it doesn’t ask them to do their work again, and you can easily be freed by those people who don’t care about you but need your help. Saying no saws a mirror to you — who is your friend or not? Saying no increases your productivity because if you have more time and a stress-free mind, you can be more productive. You can do your work actively. Saying no improves your relationships with others. Yes, it is difficult, but it is necessary. It is uncomfortable at first, but after a while, you will understand who cares about you and who does not. It helps to strengthen your relationship with those who can actually see you at your highest point.

the art of saying no

Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash

Saying no is uncomfortable and challenging when friends request it of you. However, you must say no because it is part of their daily routine. You need to learn to say no to yourself. You don’t need to say no directly, but you can choose alternate types of saying no. Here are some important tips to learn: say no.

  1. Know your priorities. Before accepting someone’s request, think for a minute about whether it’s helpful to you or not. Is it your priority or not? It matches your goals and your self-love.
  2. Offer alternatives. If someone requests that you do something, you can compromise with that or suggest some alternatives for that work. suggest alternative solutions or someone who can do better at that work. This shows that you want to help with that, but you also want that your work be done by my master.
  3. say gracefully — learn to say no in a graceful manner. If you say no to someone in a graceful manner, they will definitely understand. If you say no in an emotional manner, then the person will definitely understand.
  4. Practice saying no — like other things, you practice to learn them; in this case, you also apply that formula. Practice saying no every day. It builds your confidence to say no to someone else.

There are many other methods to say no, but you need to apply them and search according to your condition.

I am not saying that you should always say no to everyone. You can say no when the work request does not match your learning or your goals. Saying no is most important because if you do others work, you become a human puppet, which leads to mental and emotional damage. You clearly want to know what this is for you or for whom you are benefiting. Say no, and stay safe.

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Samoon mohd

I write for simplifying complicated things✨