From 200 To 1K: Strategic Plan for Achieving 1,000 Followers

Let's do this together

Himanshu Raikwar
3 min readMar 5, 2024


In the online writing world, it’s hard to gain more followers on sites like Medium or Substack.

This is because anyone can use tools like ChatGPT to write articles quickly. Even the title of this article was created by ChatGPT.

Hihi 😅

It’s crazy now, people can make 1000 articles in just a few hours.

But, a lot of times, these articles aren’t that great. The key is to make really good posts and talk to people just the right amount.

It’s a journey with good and bad parts, and there’s so much to learn.

Let’s take an honest look at how I managed to get 200 followers and my strategy to hit the big goal of 1,000 followers in 2024.

Designed by Himanshu Raikwar

To save some time here are key takeaways:

  • Celebrating each milestone and actively engaging with the community can foster a sense of shared achievement and support
  • Creating content that resonates with your audience and sharing it strategically can maximize visibility and attract new followers.

The Initial Leap

Starting with just a few followers, getting to 200 was a big deal.

It took a lot of trying different things, making mistakes, and keeping at it. The main thing was to figure out who my followers were.

  • What did they want to see?
  • How could I stand out in a world full of so much stuff to look at?

The solution was creating interesting posts, sharing regularly, and talking to my audience.

Strategic Moves and Tools

But it wasn’t only the content I shared; it was also about the way and timing of my posts. Using tools to analyze my content writing style became my main approach.

By looking at trends on tools like Google Trends and how much people interacted with my posts, I could choose the best times to post for the most people to see my content.

Tools like ChatGPT and Airtable were incredibly helpful.

They made planning when to post much easier and gave me more time to talk and connect with my followers.

Content Is King, But Engagement Is Queen

You must have read this heading before and it's true also, While quality content was crucial, I quickly realized that engagement was the queen.

Responding to comments, participating in relevant conversations, and even the simple act of liking related posts made a significant difference.

It wasn’t just about broadcasting my message but creating a community around shared interests.

Looking Ahead: The Road to 1,000

I now have 200 followers, but my next big goal is to reach 1,000 followers

.My strategy?

Doubling down on what works — engaging content, strategic posting, and genuine interaction — while exploring new avenues like collaborations and guest posting.

It’s about building on the foundation laid and pushing the boundaries of creativity and connection.

A Journey Shared

This journey isn’t just about how many followers we have; it’s about making connections, learning new things, and growing together.

As I move toward my next big goal, I invite you to come along, share what you know, and let’s grow together.

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Once a legend said, if your friends are not there to see it it’s not legendary.

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Thank you for reading until the end. Before you go:



Himanshu Raikwar

Finding Way to Help Everyone from my Content | Not an expert, but still trying! |