From Days to Minutes: My Game-Changing Ad Creative Method!

Anup Nagdeve ⭐
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2024

If you’re in the performance marketing industry, then you know the importance of attractive and engaging creatives. Gone are the days when the performance was based on ad targeting and when we had manual control over our ads.

Now Meta (Formerly Facebook) only pushes the advertisers to adopt the advantage+ campaigns that solely runs on the learnings of AI, leaving very little to no space for your manual edits and optimizations.

The only thing left for you to control and optimize now are your ad creatives. This makes it of utmost important to focus more on improvising your creative game.

I was working with one of the amazing clients who is developing an app that lets you barter your talent in exchange for learning a new skill.

The app wanted to target Gen-Z audience. Now to grab the attention of GenZ audience you need someting cool, classy, sexy, that immediately grabs your attention. (Nevertheless, the attention span of GenZ audience is way too less as compared to the others)

Now the idea was to make certain illustrations and showcase them in the creatives. For example, a guitarist and a dancer learning and teaching each others’ talents.

Don’t worry if you’re unable to understand the app concept, Our team was also confused a bit earlier.

But anyways, when we told our requirement to the creative team and explained them why we needed the illustrations, we expected something amazing as the creative team was taking weeks to get it done.

And the results were 😭

Yeah, that’s a disappointment!

I was very frustrated after waiting for weeks and receiving this!

The creative team provided half a dozen illustrations of this type for our performance creatives. Now I knew that using these illustrations in our creatives will do nothing for our ads.

So I started looking for the best alternatives possible in the least amount of time. That’s when I shifted my focus to AI. Now I design creatives on Canva as a hobby so I was aware that the illustrations can be made through AI. But Canva’s AI is not that developed to provide a standard illustration that can be used in the ad creatives.

So I started looking for other alternatives. Now I will definitely not waste my bucks on midjourney or similar paid AI tools just for research.

That’s when I came across Fotor’s AI tool.

And here’s the step by step process how I generated the amazing illustration that was way better than what the creative team provided:

  1. I typed in the exact prompt in the fotor’s text to image generator ai tool and gave precise instructions as to what I was looking for in my creative.
  2. Since we were targeting the GenZ audience, I prefer to choose neon theme for my creatives.
  3. Here’s the illustration that I got for a modern yoga teacher:
Looks Sexy! Right?

Then I edited this illustration in Canva to use it in our Facebook Ads.

Here’s the finalized creative for our ads:

Damn Sexy!

When I presented this to my client, he was flabbergasted and was still wondering how a Growth Marketer like me created this piece of art in a few minutes that beats the creative agency’s week long creative by 10x!

He wanted me to do the creatives full time but unfortunately that is not possible for me to do it due to conflict of interest with my employer. 🥲

But now you guys know how you can also generate high quality ad creatives for your ads, social media profile, etc in minutes using this simple method.

You can also turn this into a video in canva itself, see this:

So that’s it from my end. Hope you got to learn something easy and amazing at the same time. Save your time and money and move to AI (Yes AI generated content still needs polishing bit it’s better than wasting hours on manual content!)



Anup Nagdeve ⭐

Data-driven marketer with a passion for exploring diverse topics. You can see me writing about data, personal growth or discovering a lesser known fact!