Grab Life

John Strick van Linschoten
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2023
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Life has its ups and downs.

We try, we try and we try, without knowing, for so long.

We do believe that until life teaches otherwise, that what we see is what we get.

But no, that is an illusion.

And we, who know no better, are naïve.

For so long we believe until we see.

And when we see…we cry,

And then, the dream is over.

But there are moments when we fall back into the dream.

We have to. Otherwise, there is no point to our existence.

Life must have a purpose.

Otherwise, what’s the point?

Giving into the foggy mist of nothingness and numbing ourselves with our comfort zone, mundane repetition and routine.

And that routine is a drug.

Some who have seen the light like that state of apathy.

Some let it rule their mind, their destiny, their legacy.

No wonder they willingly agree to be desensitised.

There is much pain and suffering in this world, enough to make you lose hope.

But there is also hope. People are hope.

We surprise ourselves every day.

If we take the time to connect, to be vulnerable, to shed those shells, those shields, those masks, there is hope.

We put up our guard because the pain is too much. We lived it once or twice and decide, never again.

We cannot accept to be deceived again.

So, we THINK we only have two choices, be numb to the world or enter with our guard up high, high enough to let no-one in.

In the first, we don’t live. We are controlled by the waves of addiction. Even if there is a chance we will drown, we don’t realise.

In the second, we let our lives be ruled by fear, God forbid by hate…

That is not life.

There is another path.

We were given life and it is in our hands alone to make those difficult choices.

Take. The. Choice. To. Be. Human.

To. Be. Vulnerable. To. Be. Open.

And yet we keep trying.

Some give up hope

Life is hard work. People are hard work.

But. People. Are. Beautiful…If. We. Only. Let. Them. In.

Life requires persistence. To work hard, again, and again, and again…and to be patient.

Otherwise, our life has no meaning.

It is in our hands alone that we decide to avoid being dragged away by the ocean tide.

Our future everything depends on this.

Our future depends on us.






Be alive. Feel the pain. Work through it. Push upwards, sideways, back and forth. Push because you know your life depends on it.

Life is never delivered to us on a silver platter. Life…is…Life.

Grab life.

Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash



John Strick van Linschoten

Experienced #humanitarian. Writes at Tweets on @nomadikal. Interested in #appliedlinguistics #society #values. Also on Linkedin & Facebook.