Photo by bevalorous from Midjourney

Here’s How to Get Paid What You’re Worth and On-Time

Alp Arslan
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2023


Imagine this: You have just wrapped up a killer article after hours of research, writing, and editing.

You send it off to your client with a sense of accomplishment. But then, there is a tiny voice in the back of your head.

“How much should I charge? Will they pay on time?” Sounds familiar?

Well, you are not alone.

Being a freelance writer is a fantastic job. I get to decide my hours, choose projects I love, and work in my PJs. But let’s be real: talking about money can be awkward.

Here is what I have learned about getting paid the right amount and on time.

1. Understand your value

Before asking for money, know what you are worth.

Look around.

What are others in your field charging? There are websites to help with this, but you can also just ask fellow writers.

Adjust your rate based on your experience and the quality of your work.

2. Talk with confidence

When discussing your rates, don’t be shy.

You know your skills, your style, and the hard work you put in.

So, stand tall (even if it’s just in front of your computer).

If you have got past work or good reviews, show them off. It can make clients see that you are worth it.

3. Be clear from the start

Here is a tip: Always talk money early on.

No one likes those awkward, mid-project“how much do I owe you?” chats.

Be clear about your rate from the get-go, and you will save both you and your client a lot of hassle.

4. Offer different options

Think about creating bundles or packages.

For example, a basic package could be just the article. A fancier one could include edits, graphics, or even promotion.

This way, clients can pick what fits their budget and needs.

5. Make payment rules

It is sad but true. Sometimes people don’t pay on time.

To avoid waiting forever, I always ask for part of the payment upfront.

This way, both sides are committed. It is like saying, “I trust you, but let’s be fair.”

6. Put it in writing

Emails are great for chatting, but for serious stuff?

Get a contract.

It is just a simple document that says who does what and who pays when. Trust me, it is a lifesaver.

If you are worried about making one, there are lots of online tools to help.

7. Be friends with your clients

I mean, you don’t have to send them Christmas cards, but being friendly helps.

Clients who like you are more likely to pay on time and hire you again.

It is as simple as being nice, understanding, and doing your job well.

8. Handle delays like a pro

If a payment is late, don’t go all Hulk on them.

Send a friendly reminder.

Maybe they forgot, or there was a mix-up.

Stay calm, and more often than not, it will all work out.

9. Use payment tools

There are tons of tools online to help you get paid.

PayPal, for example, is easy and widely used.

These tools make sure everything is above board, which can be a real stress-reliever.

10. Learn and grow

The more you know, the more you can charge.

Always be on the lookout for new stuff to learn.

Whether it is a writing course or tips on business, every bit helps.

In conclusion

Freelance writing is a journey, and just like any adventure, there are ups and downs.

Money talk might not be the most fun part, but with these tips, it can be a whole lot easier. Value your work, be clear with clients, and remember to keep growing.

So, the next time you hit “send” on that article, let it be with the confidence that you are getting paid what you are worth, and on time.

Because every word, every sentence, and every article has its value. And so do you.

Cheers to more successful writing and timely payments! ;)

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Alp Arslan

Writing about freelancing & personal growth. Let's grow through stories!