Hey Medium, Please Talk! Waiting (Not So Patiently) for the Medium Partner Program Launch in India!

Hope For India, Brazil and Thailand

The Fitpreneur Network
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]


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Hello fellow writers, readers and the Medium Staff

Let me take you all through my morning schedule, especially in this exciting year of 2024. Each day my first ritual after waking up involves going over to the Medium Blog and checking the Product News section.

Snapshot By Author

What am I looking for, you ask? Any news about the much-anticipated launch of the Medium Partner Program (MPP) in India this year? And the recurring disappointment hits when I find, once again, that there’s still no update.

The frustration is hard to put into words as Indian writers like myself have been left in suspense for the past 5 months.

Do you all remember the anticipation we had surrounding the grand launch of the Medium Partner Program (MPP) in India, Brazil, and Thailand on August 1st? Well, we had to hold our excitement a little longer because it got postponed by 2 months.

And then with hopeful hearts, we marked our calendars for October 1st.



The Fitpreneur Network
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Writing about Entrepreneurship, Solopreneurship and Freelancing while empowering individuals to reach their aspirations.