Medium | Writing on Medium

How a Slow Burner Article Can Become a Great Earner On Medium

6 min readJul 1, 2024


Every writer wants to go “Viral” or get “Boosted” but can “Slow Burners” maximize your earnings, expand your reach, and grow your audience on Medium?

Pretty African American woman at laptop smiling with sunburst, the word success, and stars behind her signifying her joy of writing.
“Success at the Keyboard” was Part AI-generated and Designed by Carmellita (author) in Canva Pro.

Yes, nearly every writer on the Medium platform wants to “Go viral” or “get boosted.”

I get it. A viral article on Medium could have 8,000 views with 5,000 member reads. Those same views would only earn a Youtube creator a few dollars while a Medium author could earn nearly a thousand dollars.

And to get “Boosted” is a major reward for exceptional human-written content.

According to stats from Medium’s Curation Team, and Medium’s CEO Tony Stubblebine,

Boosted stories have a 95% likelihood of getting 500 additional views over the course of two weeks.

I’ve had stories “Boosted” and I can say that it makes a tremendous difference in a story’s reach. Having access to a wider audience not only “boosts” your confidence a bit as a writer on those days when you’re thinking “What am I doing,” but it also boosts your earnings.

And many Publication owners and community curators who are Boost Nominators work diligently to help writers increase their chances of getting “Boosted.”




Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. Co-founder of BA in Speech Communication. Former ghostwriter who came back to life.