How Can Night Owls Unlock Success After Dark and Thrive?

Jin Park
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2024


Rejecting Traditional Work Hours Without Shame or Judgment

Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash

I’ve come to realize that my personality type simply isn’t made for the expected 9–5 job. For years, I felt a sense of shame admitting this, as if not fitting into the ‘regular’ mold made me less valuable or committed.

But the truth is, we all have unique rhythms and strengths. I’ve always thrived during the night, finding energy and creativity when most are winding down.

This is why I spent much of my career as a waiter, working in the hospitality sector where the night comes alive.

It’s not about looking down on those who find fulfillment in office jobs, dock work, or any other ‘regular’ job. In fact, I admire those who can find satisfaction in these roles.

But for me, traditional jobs leave me demotivated and unproductive. I’ve felt judged and misunderstood for not fitting into this conventional framework, as if there’s something inherently wrong with my preferences.

The Stigma of Rejecting the 9–5

When you tell people you’re not suited for a 9–5 job, the reactions can be disheartening. Often, the assumption is that you must be lazy or unwilling to work hard.



Jin Park

Top Writer at Hacker Noon | Entrepreneur & Mental Health Advocate | Founder of Seoul:Forge