How I Empower My Imagination to Stop Killing My Life

The brain cannot distinguish between Real and Imaginary

Kiran Hetansh Khannas
4 min readOct 11, 2022


Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

I depleted all my energy to do even day-to-day work. Feeling drained and going back to the past incidents that are killing every moment of my present life moments. It is difficult for me to focus, and always tempted to move to an isolated place and spend hours with my internal thoughts.

I lost focus on my career goals, and suddenly, my life pace was moving backward, and I could see the impact on my body. Even walking outside my home is difficult since my body is exhausted even though I did nothing except I was with my past thoughts.

I don’t particularly appreciate spending time with anyone talking about myself or my past. I liked to remain sited in an isolated space. The roof of my house was the best place where my near one finds me. I love spending hours there, doing nothing, just being with my thoughts, fighting, planning, and responding to thousands of thoughts. Thoughts are my best friend.

Days go by; my state has not changed for any better until I listen to a video of BK Shivani, a motivator and Spiritual Guru.

How my Life changes a month back?

A neuroscientist at Harvard taught — A simple five-fingered combination of piano notes to a group of people. The thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger. They played it over it. And repeatedly for two hours a day. They did this for five consecutive days. Another group of volunteers did not play the notes physically on the piano but just imagined playing the piano notes. So they imagined the combination of the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger for two hours a day on five consecutive days.

The researcher examined the volunteers’ brains daily using a TMS technique. They found each day; there was little or no difference between the brains. Who played the piano notes with their fingers and those who played the piano notes with their mind. The brain area in both cases, the brain grows significantly in size.

The brain can’t tell the difference between reality and imagined.

It means what is happening in reality for a few minutes; by recalling my thoughts, I am making it a 24*7 LIVE show. Whatever I am thinking about this in my mind has the same effect or influence on the body. If it affects the mind, then it will have the same influence on the body.

I relate this to my life experience and how this might have affected my body. (Like I was playing with my thoughts in my mind on my roof all day). I keep re-affirming, rehearsing, and recalling my bad past every hour of the day, which has adversely affected my brain and body.

The past incident that affected me was 10 minutes of an argument with my near one. I keep wriggling this in my mind for many hours, months, and years. Stress and the impact that it has created on my body were significantly worse.

It is the point; I look for recovery and what it does to control my negative thoughts. All thoughts are not poor quality, but especially those that have been affected negatively, I need to be watchful of and say to me STOP.

I was magnifying the impact of my terrible past of 10 minutes and several times. In generating thousands of unpleasant thoughts. It is killing me at this moment.

Overthinking is the root, and how can I avoid this?

I practice how to control 3 minutes. It has helped me immensely to come back on track and recover my body which impacts a year-long association with my unpleasant experience or past.

This 3-minute technique helps me control my present moment, and now I am completely in control of my Life. Not in the past or future, but in now, this moment.

I follow mindfulness and do affirmation — I am a pure soul and mind, and nothing can affect me.

I did meditation, exercise, and chanting (positive affirmation) from 4 am to 6 am. It gives me a positive kick-start. It helps me to be in my present and set the stage for the day ahead. To be in my present and set the stage for the day ahead.

Further to this, I started below 15 techniques to keep control of my Life.

Who Is Controlling Your Life? Take Control Back — 15 Life Tips.

When I control my decisions, I bring happiness to my lifestyle. I started taking control. I feel happy now.

In Conclusion

The brain can’t tell the difference between reality and imagined. With mindfulness and learning the technique of being present, I stop thousands of negative thoughts that are killing me and my body.

I am sharing this experience since I wasted a year and affected my body with depression. I was not aware of how to control or stop these thoughts.

Please start this today; you will start seeing the benefits immediately.

Happy Living Life is beautiful.

