How I Hacked Medium’s Algorithm to Skyrocket My Follower Count

10 Days Challenge- Day 5, Post 3

Manish Dangi
3 min readFeb 5, 2024


Photo by Mike Hindle on Unsplash

I am like so tired of feeling like my efforts to gain followers on Medium are just not working, you know?

I have tried all the normal stuff that people say to do and I’ve barely gotten anywhere.

But wait, don’t worry, because I just found out about this secret weapon that can help me get the number of followers I’ve always dreamed of!

People say these things have gotten them hundreds of new followers in just days!

So if you, like me, have been struggling with follower count, get ready for me to spill the tea on how to get more attention on Medium!

Here we go!!!!!

I Gained 500 Followers in a Single Week!

Yeah, you read that right! 500 new followers in one week — crazy huh?

I didn’t think it was possible either, but let me tell you how it happened.

The main things I focused on were writing great stories all the time and talking to other writers a ton.

I was publishing quality articles nearly every day and making sure to show other writers some love by clapping for them, highlighting their stuff, and commenting.

Oh, and I also spent time finding and connecting with the right people — what I like to call building my “heaven of follower groups.”

I found writers who gave me good feedback and who had followers I wanted to attract.

It wasn’t just about getting more followers, but about making the right connections, you feel me?

And with some hard work, it paid off! I blew way past 500 followers!

Sprucing Up Your Profile

If you wanna get more eyes on your profile, you gotta make that thing look spiffy!

Don’t just have like a blank header image — spice it up with pictures and text that show off your flair!

And don’t forget to update that About Section with deets about yourself and what you write about!

Oh, and share some of your best articles on there too to show people what you can do!

Make your whole profile visually interesting by sticking one of your top stories right at the top.

Use one of those Medium stats tools to see which story is performing the best and tag that one!

You gotta highlight your best stuff to catch people’s attention and make them wanna follow you, ya know?

Put in that effort to stand out!

Keeping Your New Followers Around

Now that you’ve optimized your profile and gotten a ton more followers, it’s time to focus on keeping them interested!

These followers are much more likely to stay engaged if they feel connected to you as a person.

I make sure to show love by replying to their comments, reacting to their posts, and all that good stuff!

Good communication is for keeping the relationship strong, feel me?

I don’t wanna lose all my new friends!

Wrap Up

Trying to get more followers on Medium can be tough, I feel ya.

But thanks to these weird little tricks I shared, you’ll be raking in the fans!

It’s like I discovered a cheat code to boost my profile and connect with people just like me.

Before I knew it, I had 500+ more followers easy peasy!

So don’t be afraid to get creative and try this stuff out — your Medium blow-up starts today, baby!

Just watch those followers pour in! 🙌

