A Complete Collection

How I Made $0.35 On 1 Story And Why It’s Thrilling

Making 35X My Goal

Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)
Published in
6 min readFeb 27, 2021


Making No Money Made No Cents
Image by Canva Pro and Scott Hughey

I’ve only written on Medium for two months, but I’ve met all my goals so far.

Soon, I’ll write the mandatory article about those specific goals. You're apparently not allowed to achieve milestones without a self-congratulatory piece. It’s in the terms of service somewhere, I bet. (Far be it from me to break that trend.)

However, today’s topic is that a few days ago, I acknowledged an unspoken goal and immediately made it happen with some help from a writer's network.

I wanted to earn money on every eligible story.

Like so many in my early days, I had a lot to learn about writing on this platform. And let’s face it, I’m about to pass 1.5 months.

  • It’s still early days for me.
  • I still have a lot to learn.

One great thing about Medium is the ability to practice in real-time. I write articles. I get to see how they perform, both short and long-term. Armed with that data and seeing how other successful writers operate, I adjust…



Scott Hughey (TheWriteScott)

He’s a geek with social skills. Scott writes humor, satire, and pop-culture with a touch of self-help. Find his Amazon books here: https://amzn.to/2LDQxjy