How I Successfully Use These 4 Content Tools Without Spending a Penny

You don’t need to be a fancy Nancy in order to be a success

Yana Bostongirl
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]


Young female writer having a coffee outdoors

Every day, I hear about a new strategy or an app that promises the ability to churn out a billion words or transform you into a lean mean social media whiz.

Writing is a hobby for me and that means it is something that helps me relax. So, I have always kept things simple and minimalistic with regard to writing.

Also, I have never felt motivated to spend a single penny out of pocket other than the $5 monthly fee I pay for my Medium subscription fees. Whatever I need to learn, I do so through keen observation and networking with other writers who know what they’re talking about.

Considering the minimal expenses, the returns on both the platforms I write on plus the growth on my social media accounts have been more than satisfactory.

I am not saying strategies, courses, and apps are not helpful. On the contrary, they can work for different people depending on their goals. I’m just saying, I personally have never felt the need or the urge to veer from what has been working for me over the past 2 years.

4 Staples in my content writing tool kit



Yana Bostongirl
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

I'm a unique blend of cultures from South Africa, South Asia & USA| Masters in Econ| Substack: 🦋Yana's World🦋|Come say hi!