How I Use AI to Repurpose My Medium Articles on X/Twitter

Auguste Byiringiro
Published in
5 min readNov 9, 2023
Photo by Levart_Photographer on Unsplash

Are you trying to bring more eyes to your Medium articles?

If so, this article is for you.

One of the most obvious methods is to repurpose your content on other platforms.

In my opinion, the most natural platform to promote your Medium articles is X/Twitter:

  • since it’s text-based, you don’t need to produce videos or audio which makes repurposing your articles easier
  • character limit encourages concise and clear communication which can make the ideas from your articles more impactful and engaging
  • Tweets are easily shareable, which means that your content can reach a larger audience organically
  • users can like, retweet, reply, or quote tweets, sparking conversations and building relationships with your audience
  • the use of hashtags allows you to tap into existing conversations and trends, as well as increase the visibility of your tweets to users who are interested in those specific topics
  • X allows you to directly link to your Medium article within your tweet, facilitating seamless navigation for readers to access the full content
  • the fast-paced nature of X means that it’s common to post several times a day without overwhelming your followers, which is ideal for serialising content from longer articles over time

In this article, I am going to show you my lazy way of repurposing my Medium articles to Twitter using Chat-GPT.

Step 1: Select your article

Step 2: Copy the content and paste it to Chat-GPT

Copy the content from Medium

  • Click on the three dots
  • Choose “Edit story”
  • Use the shortcut cmd + a (for Mac users) or ctrl + a (for Windows users) to select all the text within the article
  • Use the shortcut cmd + c (for Mac users) or ctrl + c (for Windows users) to copy the selected text

Paste the content into Chat-GPT

  • Go to Chat-GPT (
  • Open a new chat and write the following prompt: “I wrote this Medium article: <ARTICLE>” where <ARTICLE> is the text copied from Medium. You can paste using cmd + v (for Mac users) or ctrl + v (for Windows users)
  • Press enter and let Chat-GPT process the text

Step 3: Turn your article into Tweets using Chat-GPT

At the end of the previous step, Chat-GPT will probably give you some sort of summary of your article. But this is not what matters to us.

What matters is that it now has your entire article in its context, and we can ask him anything we want related to the article.

Here is the prompt you can use if you want ready-to-be-used Tweets extracted from your article.

Turn this article into as many Tweets as you can

Here we got 12 Tweets with relevant hashtags! That’s pretty decent.

But is it an exhaustive list?

No. Despite the fact that I specified “as many Tweets as you can”, Chat-GPT has a character limit in terms of the output per prompt.

If you want more, you can simply ask:

Give me more Tweets from the article

Below are the first 3 Tweets we got:

Tweet #1: “Cliff jumping as a teen taught me a life lesson I’ll never forget: Overthinking leads to paralysis, action leads to achievement. 🧗‍♂️ #ActionOverThought #GoalSetting”

Tweet #2: “Ever been stuck in ‘analysis paralysis’? Remember, thinking is good, but overthinking will stop you in your tracks. It’s like prepping for a cliff jump but never leaping. #TakeTheLeap #Overthinking”

Tweet #3: “Billionaire Dan Pena once said, ‘You overanalyze…you’ll come up with enough reasons not to do it at all.’ Don’t let a spreadsheet be your legacy. Act! #DanPena #JustDoIt”

You can extend them by adding the URL to the original article. Just make sure you are not going beyond the character limit.

Step 4: Schedule the Tweets on X

The final step is to go to your X account and schedule the Tweets.

Conclusion: Should I fully automate this into a tool for Medium writers?

This workflow allows me to save some time in terms of repurposing my content.

However, the level of automation is not satisfactory to me.

I have a clear idea of how I could automate this further into a software tool.

I would just need to specify two things:

  • Medium username
  • X account credentials

And then the tool would automatically:

  • scan my articles
  • select the ones I haven’t extracted Tweets from yet
  • automatically extract Tweets and append the article URL when possible
  • automatically schedule the Tweets on X according to my needs (e.g. once a day, twice a day etc.)

However, I am hesitating.

I am quite busy and I need a stronger incentive to put this task higher on my priority list.

You can influence my decision.

I would be willing to prioritise this if more people see value in this. So let me know in the comment section if you would use such a tool.

If enough of you see value in it, then I will fully dedicate myself to building it. Not only for myself, but for the Medium community.

Let me know 😉

