How I Used A Pandemic To Start Writing Online

It all started with Covid

Jon Svec
2 min readDec 19, 2023


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

A few years ago, the world stopped.

We all remember it.

As a football coach, I’m used to going non-stop all day and night during the season.

When Covid hit our football season was cancelled. It was a devastating blow.

This was a change I was not ready for.

Slow Burn

Nothing happened right away.

It took me some time to start navigating the new world that Covid had created.

But after a while, the pull of the sport I coach and love, Canadian football, was too strong to resist.

If we couldn’t coach football, we would at least spend our days talking about coaching football.

So my coaching colleague and I started an online platform where we would do just that.


It was quite a novel concept.

We called up all our coaching buddies from across the country, jumped on ZOOM, and talked ball.

We recorded the conversations and did a podcast, and instructional videos, and even built a website.

It was great.

We had no goals other than staying busy during the pandemic.

It was never a business. We never monetized.

We just put a bunch of free information out there for all to enjoy and kept ourselves busy in the process.

It was fun.

After the Virus

Once Covid ended, the project sort of fizzled out.

It had served its purpose.

But it had also planted a bug in me that I had a hard time shaking.

I enjoyed connecting with people online and over social media. (I hadn’t even created a Twitter account before Covid hit.)

My background is in writing. I have an English degree and worked as a newspaper journalist for a few years. I even won some journalism awards back in the day.

I decided to continue producing online content about Canadian football, but this time in the form of a weekly newsletter.

I’ve been at it ever since.

Moving Forward

The newsletter has grown slowly and steadily.

I’ve even put out a couple of e-books that brought in a small amount of cash.

But from where I currently sit, I can’t help but wonder:

Could I make a bit of money by writing online about my passion?

Stay tuned to find out.

