How To Be More Productive

Cypriano Onyeka Mokobia
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2022


Photo by kampus from Pexels

I s it difficult for you to stay productive during the day? If that’s the case, there are several scientifically proven strategies that can help you remain on top of things.

Take a look at the options below and pick the one that best fits your needs. Here are some of the numerous scientifically-backed strategies that might help make your workday run more smoothly, from actively shifting space to recognizing your flaws.

5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity

1. Avoid procrastination

Photo by olly from Pexels

To avoid procrastination, set aside time to work on significant projects. Because procrastination is one of the most prevalent productivity killers, it’s possible that you’re having trouble staying focused during your workday.

To overcome this issue, set aside time each day to tackle significant chores that require immediate attention. As the science of learning demonstrates, when we operate under pressure, our brains become less creative and more inflexible.

This is why it’s a good idea to start with the difficult duties and then take a breather every now and again.

2. Keep track of your work activities to see what works and what doesn’t

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

If you are a visual person, it is beneficial to keep track of the projects and chores that require your attention.

A simple method is to use an app that delivers finished work items directly to email, allowing you to keep track of everything without having to log into a single platform. This will allow you to keep track of your work and guarantee that nothing gets missed.

3. Break down large activities into smaller, more manageable jobs

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Taking on too many jobs at once is another way we unwittingly waste productive time.

It can be difficult to keep things in order and guarantee that nothing gets lost in the shuffle when you are working on multiple projects or attempting to finish multiple chores.

Make sure that the project you’re working on isn’t too big for you. If your project is too complicated, it’s best to break it down into smaller tasks (like 3–6 items).

4. Do not multitask or switch between unrelated tasks too frequently

Photo by Diva Plavalaguna from Pexels

When you are working on multiple projects at the same time, you may experience delays in completing them since they will get disorganized due to a lack of consistent focus.

It can also lead to frustration if not enough attention is paid to these duties while they are being completed. In this case, it’s essential to pick one area or task to focus on and work on it entirely for the time being. This will help you maintain your focus so that other tasks don’t become overwhelming.

5. Locate a productive work environment that is both pleasant and inspirational

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

According to a study, physical space has an impact on productivity.

Make physical adaptations to boost productivity: use headphones when working on the computer, and if possible, invest in a standing desk. Change the layout of your workspace on a regular basis to encourage creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Making time to reflect on what you’re doing, like any other habit, will help you keep things in perspective. You might find that the most productive times for specific chores or projects aren’t always convenient, which might help you be more effective.

Small adjustments can have a big impact on productivity

Photo by raeng_publications on Pixabay

That concludes the discussion. This isn’t an entire list, but anyone who wants to be more productive at work should attempt these basic suggestions in addition to producing their best work.

