How to build your own Financial Growth and freedom

Practical Advice, for Establishing Income Targets and Monitoring Progress

Thilini Gnanasena
3 min readMar 10, 2024


Embarking on a journey towards growth can evoke a mix of excitement and apprehension. It’s akin to navigating terrain armed with a map, of the challenges ahead but persistent in reaching your destination.

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In this expedition setting income objectives and monitoring your advancement serve as your guiding tools steering you through each phase. Let's delve into some suggestions to make this venture more manageable and rewarding.

1. Connect with Your Heart

Prior, to delving into numbers and objectives take a moment to resonate with your desires and ambitions. What does financial success signify for you? It could be the freedom to explore the capacity to support loved ones or the fulfillment of pursuing your interests without concerns. Grasping your purpose will imbue your goals with significance and drive.

2. Envision Your Ideal Scenario;

of fixating on figures visualize the life you yearn for. Picture waking up each morning feeling secure and empowered financially. How does that scenario appear? Crafting images of your desired lifestyle will aid in establishing income targets that harmonize with your aspirations and principles rendering them substantial and attainable.

3. Start Small

Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day building stability takes time. Divide your income goals into targets, such, as saving a set amount each month or gradually increasing your earnings. These little milestones act as stones guiding you toward your objectives while celebrating each small win.

4. Face Reality

It’s important to be honest about your situation. Recognize both your strengths and weaknesses, assets and debts. This isn’t about passing judgment; it’s about having an understanding of where you’re so you can plan effectively from there.

5. Embrace Change

Life is full of surprises like the economy. Stay flexible. Be ready to adapt your goals and strategies as circumstances shift. Flexibility will be your friend on this journey helping you navigate challenges, with poise and resilience.

6. Monitor Progress

Keeping track of your finances shouldn’t feel like a chore. Choose a tracking method that suits you best whether it's a spreadsheet, a budgeting app, or the traditional pen-and-paper approach.

Remember, it’s not, about being perfect; it’s about making progress. Be gentle with yourself acknowledge your achievements and learn from your mistakes.

7. Rely on Your Support System

You don’t have to tackle everything by yourself. Share your aspirations with friends, family members, or mentors who can encourage and assist you along the journey. They’ll be there to celebrate your successes and offer comfort during times reminding you that you’re not facing this alone.

8. Embrace Thankfulness

In the pursuit of more, we often overlook the blessings already present in our lives. Take a moment to recognize the things. Whether it's having a roof over your head food on the table or the love of those around you. Cultivating a sense of gratitude will infuse your journey, with happiness and satisfaction.

9. Acknowledge Your Achievements

Lastly, remember to mark your victories no how small they may seem. Treat yourself to a meal take a day off for self-care or simply revel in the joy of a job well done.

These special occasions of joy serve as more, than recognition for your efforts; they serve as a reflection of your progress and potential.

Ultimately establishing targets and monitoring your advancement isn’t about reaching a specific end point; it’s about embracing the process of development and self-exploration. So prepare yourself have faith in your abilities and embark on this journey with bravery and an open mind. Your financial destiny is, on the horizon filled with opportunities.

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Thilini Gnanasena

Women Entrepreneur |Talks about Personal development, Entrepreneurship, Business, Personal Finances, Business, LinkedIn, Parenting, Health and wellness, etc