How to Come Up with Genuine Content to Share with the World?

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪
Published in
6 min readAug 24, 2022


“Take a deep breath. Get present in the moment and ask yourself what is important this very second.”

Greg McKeown

When will you break out of prison?

Which torch are you holding? A digital? A physical?

What is the road to your expression?

How do you find time to write articles, grow your Youtube channel, and do so many things as a dad?” she asked.

I have a window between 2 pm to 4 pm each Saturday. I sit down. My kids are napping. I create.”, I replied.

That is the secret of how I create content regularly. Part of the secret is that I have been preparing for that moment when I am sitting in front of my computer, always at the kitchen table.

I am driven by my willingness to tell my story and life experiences in my own words.

I can see the moment when my kids would be told some stories about why I did this or that without me being there to share my point of view.

In each of my articles, I leave a part of me, like a digital trail my kids and grandkids will have to go through to be in my shoes.



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: