How To Start A Newsletter As A TOTAL Beginner

What are the first steps?

Jon Svec
2 min readApr 24, 2024


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

So you want to start a newsletter?

And we’re talking from scratch.

Day one.

How do you even get started?

Here are a few thoughts.

Select Your Topic

To write a newsletter, you’re going to need something to write about.

Chances are, if you’ve gotten this far, you already have a topic in mind.

Go with that one.

Don’t over think it.

You have a burning desire to write about something.

That’s where you should start.

You can always adjust your topic down the road.

But the goal here is to get started. To learn the trade.

Go with your gut.

Choose a Provider

Your newsletter needs a place to live.

I suggest Substack.

It’s free and simple to use.

Again, you can always change this down the road.

Once you’ve compiled an email list, you can import that list to any provider you want.

But Substack is a great place to start.


Logistically, that’s all you need to get started.

Any time spent working on a clever name, a masthead, all the other bells and whistles — it’s all a waste.

Just start.

Write your first edition.

Once that’s done, your project becomes tangible.

Now you can focus on growing your list and making it look pretty.

Get something out into the world.

It’s the most important first step.

