How To Use a Writing Template to Maximize Success

This is my biggest learning from writing every day for a month

Ali Hall


Photo by Iryna Sydorenko on Unsplash

What does it even mean to be a successful writer? If success looks like being awarded a new shiny new top writer tag, then I guess my January writing project was successful.

If I wasn’t consumed by the stats, perhaps I would have deemed it a success. After all, I now have an amazing portfolio full of vegan articles.

Now, just because I mentioned the V-word, please don’t stop reading!

I am passionately vegan. I am vegan for the animals, for my health, and for the planet. I am vegan to align with my values. Being vegan allows me to live as kind a life as possible.

In January, to coincide with Veganuary, I decided to write a new article each day, covering a different aspect of veganism.

I covered 31 different topics, including:

  • milk alternatives
  • meat alternatives
  • protein sources
  • B12
  • factory farming
  • omega-3
  • parenting and veganism
  • honey
  • fish and the depleted ocean



Ali Hall

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Childfree & owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at