How To Use Your Writing To Build an Online Business

Learn to drive traffic to your business through your writing

Andikan David
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
3 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

This is one of the advantages of the Internet.

The ability to build a fortune right from your home. People are building six-figure businesses right from their laptops. And it's possible with you too.

When I wanted to start an online business, I did what every human being who is searching for something in the 21st Century would do, I searched on Google.

I searched for several online businesses, I remember results like Affiliate Marketing kept on showing up consistently.

But I was looking for something that I could do part-time and still have time for other things.
Eventually, I came to see that you can get paid for writing. My idea of writing at first was that I’d write something for you and you’d give me money in return.

I had three platforms in mind but then stuck with Medium.

The Partner Program

A couple of weeks in writing on Medium, I was just looking for where they’d ask me to put my account number.

For some reason, I believed that I’d make a million from Medium in the first two months but then I was shocked when I realized something.
To get paid as a writer on Medium, you need to be part of the Medium Partner Program.

And the sad part was that I was in a country that didn’t support the Partner Program.
My dreams and all my expectations just laid bare in front of me.

I then thought about how I’d make money through my writing.
I just kept on writing hoping a miracle would happen.
Some day, I found out that you could divert the audience you get writing to build your own business and that’s when I realized what I needed to do.

Build an Authority

If you’re looking to build a business writing online, just like I did, you need to master the skill of diverting your audience from your writing to your online business.

It’s more like saying your writing is like a sales pitch and then the platform you’re writing on gives you room to pitch to as many people as possible.
One thing people need before doing business with you is some level of trust.

They need to believe that you can do whatever it is you’re selling.

Gaining Trust

One easy way of gaining the trust of your audience is by building authority through your writing.

Post content so valuable that they do not doubt your ability to solve their problem.

Once you build trust via your writing, you need to look at your writing like a funnel, a funnel where you collect potential customers for your business.
For example, let's say I run an E-commerce Site and I write about sales, I could add a call to action at the end of my article driving traffic to my online business while still writing online.

This is one of the most efficient ways to build your online business writing online.

It's summed up in this simple sentence.
Divert the audience you gain writing online towards your online business.



Andikan David
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Founder & CEO | I'll teach you how to build a profitable one-person business | Get my FREE Beginner's Guide⬇️