How to Write a Compelling Cold Email? Follow These 8 Tips!

And stand out from the crowd!

Lucia Pan
6 min readJan 14, 2023


Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Cold emailing can be an effective way to reach out to potential clients, partners, or collaborators, but it can also be challenging to get your message to stand out in an inbox full of unwanted emails.

To write a compelling cold email, you must take the time to personalize your message, be clear about what you’re offering, and make a strong case for why the recipient should be interested in what you have to say.

In this article, we’ll walk you through crafting a cold email that will capture the recipient’s attention and increase your chances of getting a response.

Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

#1: Unique to Recipients:

Personalizing cold emails can improve the chances of getting a response, establish trust, and build a relationship with the recipient.

To write a cold email unique to the recipient, you should first research the person or company you are reaching out to. Including looking at their website, social media profiles, and any articles or press releases they have been featured in.

Some specific tips include:

  • Addressing the recipient by name and using a personal tone
  • Mentioning something specific about the person or company that you found through your research, such as a recent project they worked on or an article they wrote
  • Explaining how your product or service can specifically benefit them
  • Asking a question or starting a conversation rather than just making a sales pitch.
  • Create value (e.g., tips) for recipients.
Image by Welcome to All ! ツ from Pixabay

#2: Killer Subject Line:

Writing a killer subject line for a cold email can bemore tricky than blogs and newsletters. Here are a few points to help you craft a subject line that will entice people to click on it!

  • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for around 50 characters or less so that the entire subject line is visible in most email inboxes.
  • Urgency: e.g., Don’t miss out xxx/ Limited opportunity on xxx.
  • Use action verbs: e.g., Book now / Discover now / Create / Dial up.
  • Offers: e.g., deals / Half-price
  • Ask a question: e.g., How to be social?
  • Timeliness: e.g., Our Black Friday Celebrations Start Today
  • Make it remarkable/intriguing: e.g., Elon Musk wants you on his team.
  • Have fun: e.g., using Puns
  • Avoid spam triggers: Be mindful of words and phrases that may trigger spam filters, such as “free,” “Congratulations,” or “$$$”
Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay

#3 Address the Pain Point:

After researching the unique points of the clients, addressing a pain point in a cold email can be an effective way to capture the recipient’s attention. In this way, we can also show them how your product or service can help them.


We understand it can be not easy to find _________. That’s why we created ________. Whether you’re looking for _________, or_________, find your favorite________ at ________.

#4 Keep it Short and Concise:

Keeping a cold email short and concise is essential to ensure that the recipient will read it through and not get overwhelmed by too much information.

  • Be clear and direct: Use a clear and straightforward writing style. Be specific about what you want the recipient to do and what you can offer them.
  • Use bullet points or short paragraphs: Break up the text into smaller chunks using bullet points or short paragraphs. This makes the email easier to read and scan.
  • Use a clear call to action: Include a clear call to action, such as scheduling a meeting or requesting more information.
  • Avoid using technical jargon: Use simple and easy-to-understand language, avoiding technical jargon or industry-specific terms that the recipient may not be familiar with.

#5 One Clear CTA, Repeat Twice:

Having only one clear call-to-action (CTA) in a cold email and repeating it twice can increase the chances of the recipient taking the desired action. This is because it makes the desired action clear and easy to understand, and repeating it ensures that the recipient sees it even if they do not read the entire email.

Additionally, having multiple CTAs in a cold email can confuse the recipient and may dilute the effectiveness of the desired action.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

#6 Don’t Forget the Footer:

Adding a cold email footer can provide the recipient with useful information, such as the sender’s contact information and company details.

This makes it easier for the recipient to follow up or find more information about the sender. It also establishes the credibility and legitimacy of the sender.

A footer also includes a unsubscribe link which is required by the law to be included in the commercial email. This is important as the recipient can easily unsubscribe from future emails which can help the sender maintain a clean email list.

Image by cattu from Pixabay

#7 Avoid Spam Filters:

If an email is marked as spam, it is very likely to be deleted or sent to the recipient’s spam folder, where it may be overlooked or never seen. This drastically decreases the chances of the recipient taking the desired action, such as responding to the email or visiting the sender’s website.

Additionally, if your email is marked as spam, it can also damage your email sender’s reputation and lead to future emails also being marked as spam even if they contain valuable information.

Some tips to avoid spam filters includes:

  • Use a reputable email service provider
  • Don’t use BLOCK CAPITALS
  • Avoid a lot of exclamation marks!!!!!
  • Avoid the word “free, offer, win.”
  • Include a physical address
  • Don’t include attachments
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

#8 Send Test Emails:

By sending test emails and ensuring everything is working correctly, you can ensure that the cold emails you send will have the best chance of being received and acted upon by the recipient.

With sending test emails, we can pay attention to the following:

  • Check and ensure that the email is formatted correctly and looks as intended.
  • Check that all links and images are working.
  • The email is not triggering any spam filters.
  • Check if the email is mobile-friendly and can be read and acted upon easily on mobile devices.
  • Check that the email is properly personalized and that the recipient’s name and other information appear correctly. This is important for maintaining a professional and personalized approach.

Overall, sending test emails before sending cold emails is a best practice that can help you avoid technical or formatting issues, improve the chances of your emails being opened and acted upon and maintain a professional and personalized approach.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



Lucia Pan

Life-long learner / journey to ideal life -- Freelancing, Productivity and Lifestyle. You can work with me here: