I Am Full Of Words

so are your kids, but only if you listen.

Brooklyn Muse (editor)


Read © Brooklyn Muse

I teach in a Public High School.

I read.

I attempt to inspire teens to take their power and invest in themselves on a daily basis.

There is power in the written word for themselves- not their parents or family /friends.

Inspiring a love of reading is a difficult task. Pre-school reading is fun=letters, travel, pets. In early grades reading consists of scenarios, short stories, tales. Middle school/High school reading =life lessons, classics, plays, format/grammar.

For some odd reason, much of the current curriculum remains dull/ depressing/ old. Yes, we have good old Shakespeare, but if handled without care and passion- as well as current connections- it can be difficult to understand. It takes a really creative soul to inspire using the Bard.

Let me take you back. You must remember some of these readings?……… Classics. I get it, but opening up to a new generation is important also -no? Current required readings in some United States schools include, but are not limited to: Death of a Salesman -Miller, Black Boy -Wright, Of Mice and Men -Steinbeck, The Odyssey -Homer, Beowulf -Anglo Saxon Poet, Catcher in the Rye -Salinger, Lord of the Flies -Golding, Speak -Anderson, The Crucible- Miller



Brooklyn Muse (editor)

NYC area -educator. writer. editor. treasure hunter. mountains. beach. city. Medium.Newsbreak.Substack. all images ©️ Brooklyn Muse. https://theantiqueloft.com/