I Ate ‘Lab-Grown’ Seafood and Loved It

Our transition to sustainable food led us to eat ‘cell-grown’ food

Edmund Chong


“Cell grown” Salmon Sushimi photo taken from food matters live

It’s here guy! Believe it.

Cellular agriculture commonly referred to as “lab-grown” or “cultivated meat,” is a method of producing food in which animal cells are grown in a laboratory rather than through traditional livestock farming.

I know what many of you guys may be thinking:

Wait, is that safe to eat?😨

Rest assured that all ‘lab-grown’ food companies have to go through strict FDA(Food and Drug Administration) in America and my home country, Singapore is at the forefront of making this reality possible.

I have eaten a wide variety of ‘cell-grown’ food including salmon, beef, and chicken from various companies. Contrary to what people believe, this meat actually tasted pretty good.

Why ‘Lab-grown’ Food is Gaining Popularity

I know you might be asking this:

“Why would I ever eat these when I can easily order real meat!”

That’s what I thought at first too, but as I dig deeper and understand the reasoning behind the need for these sorts…



Edmund Chong

Founder of HustleVentureSG; Finance Media Company | 0 to 1.5 million organic impression under 1 year | For Business inquiries at hustleventuresg@gmail.com