If You Don’t Sow, You’ll Have Nothing to Reap

Thoreau was right.

Antonio Parente Jr


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Do you know a peasant who only reaps, never stopping for a single moment to sow?

Of course you don’t. There is no such peasant. After all, a reap-only strategy is a recipe for famine and death.

Just as is a write-only strategy for writers.

What? How can that be? After all, writers write, right?

Right, but just as reaping follows sowing, writing must follow living.

A writer who only writes is like a peasant who only reaps. Not exactly a winning strategy.

A writer must also sow. A writer must also live.

Time to stand up

“How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” ― Henry David Thoreau

A writer sows when he goes for a walk and witnesses a family having dinner in silence, everyone staring at their phones.

A writer sows when she becomes a mother and learns how strong love can be.

A writer sows when, at a poker table with his friends, he notices the overwhelming role luck plays in our lives.

Because big revelation: life doesn’t happen in front of your computer screen.

What happens in front of your screen is the harvesting. This is when you reap the fruits of your living and share with us.

Just don’t forget to sow.



Antonio Parente Jr

Micro-retiring every day from 5 to 9. Contributing to a safer aviation from 9 to 5. Just a guy who left the bleachers to enter the arena.