Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Published in
May 31, 2021


It is your business Camille to decide whose business it is my friend and I applaud you and your balls to not give a f**k, two s***s or three rats’ ass what other people think.


In response today to my article about my bicycle accident

and how I openly discuss my non-traditional love affair

Bingz said that my being openly weird inspires. I aim for weird to become normal, for nothing to be perceived as weird. Willingness towards vulnerability is my superpower — it can be everyone’s

Your story prominently displays in ILLUMINATION’s new feature page on love and relationships.



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Writer for

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.