I’ve been waiting for you 2024

SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
1 min readFeb 13, 2024
Photo by Antoine J. on Unsplash

As the New Year approaches, and the stink of 2023 blends gently now with thoughts of hope, fear, possibilities and desire, I take one last look behind me. I close my eyes, cross my fingers, and dive headfirst into 2024 like a fearless flying squirrel.

A young, naive and anxious year, is here to grab me by the hand and escort me to the ball. Ok 2024, let’s dance, let’s see if you can keep up this time.

Precious 2024, I know we have only just met, but let me tell you in the most sincere way that I plan to eat you up.

Magical 2024, I am delighted to meet your acquaintance, so much so that I have kept a count of my feathers for such an occasion. You will not catch me off guard, and despite your efforts, I will still stand strong and bold.

Dearest 2024, the sound of your name excites me so. The challenges that await, the obstacles I will soar over, the love I will bring and the love I will embrace are everything that makes you so special. I admire you for what you are, and look forward to this dance.



SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Humbly writing my thoughts and feelings while on this incredible journey called life