I’ve Lost My Zest for Medium After the Latest App Update

I feel oddly betrayed

Melissa Balick


Photo by Nikolay Hristov on Unsplash

It’s been a minute since Medium took away writing functionality on the app, but since they did it, I haven’t published anything here.

At first, I was excited to see they were doing an update. I really hoped they might fix some of the glaring problems such as:

  1. Showing me the same stories day after day that I already saw and chose not to click on.

2. When two or more people respond to your posts, you can’t click on the notification and get taken to their responses. You get taken to a list of names of respondents. Then you can click to get to their profile which is not at all helpful for finding their comments.

  1. How, when someone responds to your comments, there’s no way to see the comment you first wrote again. There’s also no way to see the parent article all the comments are on — not even the NAME of the article! That’s so annoying. I can’t remember what anything is referencing anymore, half the time.

But these are all WRITER problems. I suspect Medium wants to attract more readers and get rid of lots of writers.

Hell, I wouldn’t mind if there were far fewer Medium writers and far more readers. That would be rad for me. Especially because there are so many lame…



Melissa Balick

Fiction writer with a couple stories published in literary magazines, nanny, reader of way too many books.