Jumpstart Your Creativity

Writing Prompts and Challenges for the week of June 28

Ellie Jacobson


Everyday is a fresh start journal photo. Inspiring writing prompts and challenges on Medium
Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

Every day is a fresh start to new ideas if you’re open to inspiration. Every morning I freewrite for about 20 minutes. This is my ritual, no matter where I am. No excuses. Freewriting is my playtime as a writer. I set a timer, put my noise-cancelling headphones on, and write without stopping. No editing. Just writing.

What do I write about? Freewriting time is about experimenting so I like to use writing prompts for inspiration. I keep a list of writing prompts for challenges that I can use during these writing sessions. Sometimes I submit to challenges, sometimes I don’t. Either way, I keep the prompts for inspiration anytime, regardless of a contest deadline. I decide which prompt I will use the night before. So when I sit down to write in the morning, I’m set to go.

Writing Prompts and Challenges on Medium


They are holding their first writing challenge. It is due June 30, 2021 and it must be 150 words or less. Even if you don’t make the deadline, still use a prompt like this for your writing inspiration.



Ellie Jacobson

Editor at Flash Fiction Magazine & Intrepidus Ink | Flint & Steel editor | MFA candidate working on first novel | mom to 2 kitties, 2 teenage sons & many cats