Curated Collection for Valuable Stories

Let’s Make Invisible Stories Visible #01

Amplifying valuable stories of engaging writers whose content is disadvantaged by possible distribution constraints

SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
13 min readSep 17, 2022


Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

Purpose of this Unique Collection

Dear Readers and Writers,

Writers pour their hearts and souls into their valuable stories. When those beautiful pieces get no readers, it hurts them deeply and discourages them from creating more.

This potential problem might deprive avid readers of finding quality content.

This is a new and unique collection for avid readers who miss valuable stories due to possible distribution problems on this platform. Our goal is to create visibility for informative, engaging, and well-written pieces on any topic.

The collection will be open to nominations and self-nominations to be evaluated and composed by our volunteer editors. This is a sample version.

Why do we start this initiative?

First, we’d like to give a context for this unique collection, as our goal is to address the pain of creators on this platform that we listened to and analyzed.



SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 31,000+ writers. Apply via