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Love is Pain. Love is Energy.

Vinee T
Published in
1 min readJul 16, 2023


How so do love relate to pain?
Pain that coincides with memories feeling numb to think,
making one shun exacerbating remorse.

While pain recedes burying one’s consciousness,
loss of sensations and nerves seemingly harden.
What love encompasses, no longer filling joy to the brink.

How so do love conform to energy?
The energy that seeks exhilarating moments in a chain,
embraces love desire shamefully reinvigorating.

Reminiscing pleasures concealing one’s heartbeat,
adversary induces pressure into mind, with muscles seemingly twitching.
Fest by love accentuates electrifying energy to prime!

How so love is painful yet a vigor of life?
Evidently diminishing conditions of stale gist,
fluently absorbing one’s hindsight concurring pain behind.

Handing over pain to love, to feel again the emotions I can’t find…
Hope you found yours.

~ Vinee T



Vinee T
Writer for

To be inspired and to inspire the discovery of our lives. Sharing experiences in real life. Exploring curiosity minding our hearts to please. I write to ease.