Medium Has a Community Problem

We have no way to really chat with each other.

Jody Gates
2 min readMay 24, 2024


A new Medium writer sees this message all over the place when they’re starting, “I love the community here.” In my experience, the interactions I have with people are indeed very good. I’ve yet to be disappointed by any of the people here.

I want to talk to you people!

So what’s the problem?

The problem is, it’s not easy to find your community and its not easy to maintain it. Currently, I interact when someone comments on MY post or when I comment on someone else’s. That’s not really a community, it’s just “the comments section.”

What’s the answer?

I’m not sure how Medium might manage it in a way that fits with their ‘business model’ but it can be done.

I’m only aware of this lack after I’ve started posting and engaging on Substack. Over there is a Notes section that feels a bit like a form of social media, though more focused. I can easily have a back and forth with someone I follow, regardless if they write a newsletter. They can just be there and we can interact.

When Notes is too broad, there is also comments on Newsletters and Chats. That’s right, 3 different levels of interaction

Why Bring it Up?

I’m doing this to raise awareness in THIS space. So we can start to ask for a way to have something on Medium. Let there be a Notes area based on publications, or topics, or just across our Followers.

I also bring it up to invite my followers to also come read my stuff on Substack. I’m not leaving Medium. I’m not telling anyone else to, but it’s possible to have conversations over there, so I invite people to the community I’m building.

My Substack Profile — I have 3 newsletters I write each week.

  • Mindfullish — A newsletter about being a solopreneur. I’m building a business in public. This is the story of me.
  • Channeling Chaos — This is the community I’m building with a focus of helping people find focus and purpose in their lives. Not just at work, but anywhere they struggle.
  • Threeish — This is a subset of Channeling Chaos. I have Threeish actionable things to work on each week. (Threeish means sometimes it's 1, sometimes it's 5… chaos, I know.)

You can also click on the “Notes” section to see Notes I’ve made and respond.

I invite folks to come check it out, see if it works for you as a community. I’d love to hear more from people.

If you have a substack newsletter, share it in the comments!



Jody Gates

Just a man trying to help the distracted, unmotivated and the overwhelmed. Coaching, Writing & Consulting available. Join me at