Video Collection

Meet Top Writers of Medium on YouTube.

Introduction to prolific writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium in YouTube videos recorded by myself

Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)
Published in
8 min readMar 3, 2022


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Dear readers and YouTube subscribers,

I enjoy exploring new writers, new topics, and publications on Medium daily. Being a member and having limitless reading privileges allowed me to get these opportunities.

My favorite topics are social media, gaming, health, fitness, lifestyle, and personal stories, including life lessons and practical tips from experienced writers. In addition to Illumination Videos and Podcasts publication, I also manage Illumination Gaming publication on Medium. Here are the links to invitations to my publications.



Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)

Specialise in Media, Design, Filmmaking, Gaming. I support Illumination as an editor and YouTube coordinator.