My 4 Simple Habits to Upgrade Writing

No tips, but observations based on the experience.

Sumanpreet Kaur
3 min readJun 11, 2024


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Writing is not easy.

Look around you, how many people are writers or authors?

How often do you hear from someone to become an author?

It’s like finding dry fruits in a dish made by a stingy person who barely added them by counting.

Not easy but you get momentum in creating your crafts with consistent practice.

How can I write that somebody on earth will spend time reading it?

How can I improve the way I create?

How can I grab attention and make people read?

If these questions are bothering you, here are the 4 simple practices I do daily to upgrade my writing:

1) Get in love with reading

I have differentiated reading sources with different motives. Like, I read fiction to get even better at storytelling and read other writers to observe the uncovered areas by me and other copywriters who craft copies and newsletters.

The best part about writing is all things are in front of you to improve.

This Saturday, I checked one of my old write-ups that was written back on July 21, 2022. I was surprised at the writing quality though that was my first year in the writing journey.

So, old write-ups, sometimes, amaze me with the top-notch work or embarrass me — both ways it is another source to get better.

2) Think before I write

Newbies — Just write when one idea strikes you.

Experienced — Think, think, and think over that one idea to uncover the layers and go beyond the surface.

That’s a way to get clarity before you say something to someone.

I tend to explore more the core point while thinking and going one layer deeper one after another. As you jot down it, you get an outline. Then, what is left?

Writing based on the planned outline.

3) Write daily

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

What you do daily that becomes your habit as walking, eating, and sleeping.

From August 2023, I’m writing and publishing consistently 3 times a week. Now, it is shifted to 4 per week.

When we want to be consistent at something, all we need is a system. So, I have my writing system with the breakdown of the tasks.

When I write and edit on alternate days, it helps me get started with writing in one go.

Simplify your process by breaking down the process into thinking, outlining, writing, and editing to get yourself in the flow of daily writing.

4) Observe as I get paid for it

Songs, movie scenes, writing crafts, others’ discussions, human interactions, and surroundings — I observe everything.

It helps me put life in writing. That’s my personal source of characters, stories, and analogies and fills my cup of writing inspiration.

People relate and engage in your writing as your observations are embedded in this, also you get a personal benefit too of activeness, learning, and simplified thinking.

You write simply when your thoughts are clarified. Looking at it from the audience’s perspective, no one checks their phone to read something complicated — all they want is ease while reading.

There’s no end point in writing to become an expert.

Somedays, you appreciate your writing.

On other days, you laugh at what you wrote earlier.

The point is, that this journey of writing is like water in the state of flowing always. So, keep going. Keep learning. Keep upgrading. Without giving a pause to write.

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I’m a LinkedIn personal branding strategist and copywriter. I share insights based on my experience and learning. Want to get practical LinkedIn approaches to achieve your business goals?

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