My Journey with Friend of Medium and the Medium Partner Program

How the Friend of Medium Subscription Opened Doors to the Medium Partner Program and Unleashed My Writing Potential

Iftekar Shoeb
12 min readFeb 16, 2024


Screenshot from Author’s Desktop. Source: Medium Partner Program

You know, I’ve always been into writing. Like, really into it. It’s been my thing since I could remember — scribbling thoughts, stories, anything. So, when I heard about Medium, it felt like finding out about a secret club where everyone gets how cool writing is.

But here’s the kicker: Medium’s got this system where you can’t just read everything willy-nilly unless you’re part of the club. And by club, I mean paying for a subscription.

At first, I was on the fence. Paying to share my thoughts? But then, something clicked. There’s this option called Friend of Medium, and it’s like getting a golden ticket.

You publish a story, meet a few other simple requirements, and bam — you’re in.

Being from the US made it easier for me, but I couldn’t shake off feeling a bit bummed for others who might not have it so easily.

Anyway, I decided to go for it. I picked the Friend of Medium plan over the usual membership. Thought I’d test the waters with the $15 monthly deal before diving headfirst.

I didn’t expect much at first, just wanted to see if Medium and I could vibe together.

But let me tell you, the response blew my mind. Just four days after joining and posting a couple of articles (which, between you and me, weren’t my hardest work), I saw something incredible. People were reading my stuff.

And not just reading, but engaging. I got followers overnight. Not just a few, but enough to make me do a double-take.

I had this moment, right? A moment of clarity while I was back home in Houston, chilling after this whirlwind trip to Australia for the tennis Open.

Source: Picture taken by the author during the tournament of the Australian Open-24

I had planned to dive into Medium there but ended up getting swept up in the whole tennis craze. By the time I got back, I felt like I’d lost my writing mojo. Sitting in front of my computer, words just wouldn’t come out.

Source: Picture captured by the author from the Hotel Room in Australia

That’s when it hit me — I missed writing, missed sharing my stories, and maybe, just maybe, Medium was the missing piece.

So, I made a pact with myself: write ten stories, no excuses. See if I could get those 100 followers. But Medium surprised me again.

The community, the feedback, the way people just… get you. It was more than I hoped for.

And here’s the heart of it all: Medium isn’t just about clapping for stories or getting followers. It’s about connection. Reading stories from my followers, and engaging with their content, made me feel like part of something bigger.

I started focusing more on what I could give back. Clapping, commenting, highlighting — every little action felt like it was building a bridge between me and someone else’s world.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

Now, I’m almost at 100 followers, and it’s only been a short ride. This journey’s taught me more than I could’ve imagined. Not just about writing, but about sharing, listening, and being part of a community that cares.

Discovering the Medium Partner Program

As I settled into my rhythm on Medium, something caught my eye: the Medium Partner Program. It sounded like the next level — a chance to earn some cash from my writing. But, like any good skeptic, I had questions.

How did it work?

Was it worth it?

And most importantly, would my stories even cut?

The Partner Program shook up how earnings were calculated. It wasn’t just about views anymore. Now, it factored in things like read time and member engagement. It sounded fairer, more inclusive. Some writers saw their earnings go up, others down.

It was a mixed bag, but hey, at least it was transparent.

And here’s the kicker: you didn’t need a massive following to get in. All you needed was one story and a few tweaks. As a US citizen, I didn’t have to worry about any extra hoops to jump through. But, I couldn’t help but feel for folks in other countries who had it tougher.

Shouldn’t everyone get a fair shot?

So, I took the plunge and upgraded to the Friend of Medium plan. It felt like a smart move. Not only did I get access to the Partner Program, but I also got to support writers even more with the 4X earnings boost for member-only stories.

Win-win, right?

The Initial Leap and Surprises Along the Way

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Taking that first step into Medium was more than just publishing; it was about experimenting. I opted for the $15 monthly Friend of Medium subscription, curious to see if it would truly unlock my potential on the platform.

My goal? Not just to gain followers but to connect, share, and maybe, just maybe, earn a bit from my passion for writing.

I recall the thrill of publishing my first two articles. They weren’t crafted from scratch but imported from Udemy and Gumroad. Yet, editing them on Medium felt different — easier, more intuitive. The platform’s user-friendly features made the process seamless, encouraging even.

But it wasn’t just about the ease of use. The real surprise came from the community’s response. Within days, my follower count began to climb, far quicker than I anticipated.

It was a clear sign: Medium was not just a platform but a community ready to engage, read, and support.

This rapid growth, this unexpected embrace by the community, was heartwarming. It reminded me why I chose to write in the first place — not for the numbers, but for the connections, the shared experiences, the stories that moved us.

Navigating the Medium Landscape

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

With each passing day, my journey on Medium unfolded like a captivating story, filled with twists and turns, surprises and revelations. As I delved deeper into the platform, I discovered the intricacies of the Medium Partner Program and the Friend of Medium subscription, each offering its own set of benefits and opportunities.

Medium Membership Source: Screenshot from Author’s Desktop

The Partner Program stood as a beacon of possibility, promising writers a chance to earn through their craft. It was a testament to Medium’s commitment to valuing quality content and rewarding creators for their contributions. And while the changes in earnings calculations may have initially raised eyebrows, they ultimately fostered a more equitable environment where all writers had a shot at success.

Manage Membership” Source: Screenshot from Author’s Desktop

On the other hand, the Friend of Medium subscription felt like a secret passageway, granting access to exclusive perks and enhanced support. The ability to boost earnings for member-only stories was a game-changer, amplifying the impact of my writing and incentivizing deeper engagement with my audience.

But beyond the technicalities, what truly set Medium apart was its vibrant community. From fellow writers to avid readers, each interaction felt like a meaningful exchange, a chance to connect on a deeper level.

Whether through claps, comments, or thoughtful highlights, every engagement reinforced the sense of camaraderie that defined the Medium experience.

Embracing the Medium Community

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

As I immersed myself further into the world of Medium, I found myself drawn not only to the stories but to the people behind them. The Medium community, with its diverse voices and perspectives, became a source of inspiration and support.

Engaging with fellow writers and readers was more than just a pastime; it was a way to forge genuine connections and exchange ideas. Whether through thought-provoking comments, heartfelt responses, or enthusiastic claps, each interaction felt like a meaningful contribution to a larger dialogue.

And the beauty of it all?

It wasn’t just about receiving support but giving it as well. I made it a point to read and engage with the work of my fellow writers, offering encouragement and appreciation for their efforts.

In doing so, I not only enriched my own experience but contributed to the sense of community that defined Medium.

But perhaps the most profound realization came from the reciprocity of the Medium community. As I poured my heart into my writing and engaged with others, I received an outpouring of support in return.

From new followers to heartfelt comments, each gesture reaffirmed the value of community and the power of connection.

In essence, Medium became more than just a platform for sharing stories; it became a virtual gathering place — a sanctuary for writers and readers alike to come together, share their experiences, and celebrate the beauty of storytelling.

Let me know if you’d like to delve deeper into any specific aspect or if there’s a particular theme you’d like to explore further!

The Power of Personal Connection

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

As I reflect on my journey on Medium, one aspect stands out above all else: the power of personal connection. Amidst the vast expanse of the digital landscape, Medium provided a space where individuals from all walks of life could come together and connect on a deeply human level.

It wasn’t just about sharing stories; it was about sharing ourselves — our experiences, our struggles, our triumphs. Through the written word, we found a common language, a shared bond that transcended geographical boundaries and cultural differences.

What struck me most was the authenticity of these connections.

In a world often dominated by surface-level interactions and fleeting encounters, Medium offered a refuge — a place where genuine, meaningful connections could flourish.

Whether it was bonding over shared interests, offering words of encouragement during challenging times, or simply lending an empathetic ear, the Medium community exemplified the power of human connection in its purest form.

And in an age where social media often leaves us feeling more isolated than ever, Medium served as a beacon of hope — a reminder that, amidst the noise and chaos of the digital world, genuine connection is still possible.

As I continue my journey on Medium, I carry with me the profound realization that, ultimately, it’s not about the number of followers or the amount of engagement — it’s about the people behind the screen, the stories they share, and the connections we form along the way.

Only engagement by a Member who has triggered a read is counted toward your earnings.

A Member can engage with your story by clapping or highlighting, and then bouncing before a read is registered. That engagement will NOT count toward your earnings.

Other things can prevent those interactions from being taken into account, like fraudulent activity or suspensions.

For a variety of reasons, we suggest that these stats work as a way to give you an idea of where earnings could be coming from, but you should not expect all activity to translate to earnings all the time.

We also know that not all kinds of stories are suited for this kind of engagement, and for that, we are tweaking our calculations to ensure the right balance for all types of quality stories.

Does the focus on “personal stories” mean that Medium is not interested in scientific/research/technical articles?

A Reflection on Growth and Gratitude

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

As this journey unfolds, it’s impossible not to pause and reflect on the growth experienced and the profound sense of gratitude that accompanies it.

The path through Medium has been more than just a series of articles; it’s been a journey of personal and communal discovery.

I’ve come to understand that growth on Medium isn’t solely measured by metrics or analytics. True growth is seen in the depth of the connections formed, the stories shared, and the impact those stories have on others.

It’s about finding your voice in a choir of narratives and realizing that your voice matters.

The gratitude I feel towards the Medium community is immense. It’s a gratitude for every comment, every clap, every follow, and every shared moment of vulnerability.

These interactions remind me that behind every article, a person is seeking to understand and be understood.

This journey has also been a lesson in humility. It’s taught me to appreciate the beauty in listening just as much as in sharing. There’s a world of wisdom in the stories of others, and Medium has been a treasure trove of insights and perspectives.

Looking forward, the journey doesn’t end here. The beauty of Medium is that there’s always more to learn, more to share, and more connections to be made.

I’m excited for the road ahead, for the stories yet to be written, and for the lives yet to be touched.

In closing, my heart is full of hope and gratitude. Thank you, Medium, for being a platform that not only allows for the sharing of ideas but fosters a community where those ideas can truly flourish.

Here’s to many more stories, connections, and moments of growth.

Together, let’s continue to make Medium not just a platform for writing, but a home for connection, learning, and shared humanity.

Join me in this journey of exploration and growth on Medium. Share your own experiences, stories, and thoughts.

Let’s create a vibrant dialogue that enriches our community even further. Together, we can continue to inspire, connect, and support each other as writers and readers on this incredible platform.

Come along on this writing adventure with me!

🌄 Here’s how you can join in:

📚 Follow me on Medium as → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
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Let’s dive into the magic of storytelling together! And if you liked this story, don’t forget to show your support by clapping 50 times. Feel free to explore my other stories and share your thoughts in the comments, highlighting what you liked or disliked and offering suggestions for improvement in future stories.

Your feedback means the world to me!


Thank you. Please keep in touch.



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.