Never Say I am Out of Ideas for Content

How to generate content ideas

Rain Again
2 min readFeb 22, 2024


ing Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

How many people do you come across in a day? Umm.. 5, 10 or maybe more than that, right. So what I am talking about is start observing them; you are surrounded by content itself. If you are a good observer, you’ll notice little details such as their mannerism, expressions and interactions, find inspiration from those details. Start narrating it in your mind and note down those points.

One of the best way to create content is to put yourself in their shoes. By doing this, you’ll get to know what kind of situations they are dealing with; Now ask yourself what can be done in those situations. For an instance, Imagine yourself sitting in a coffee shop. As you observe people around you, you notice this young man with pale face frantically patting his pockets. Now, from here it’s your turn to guess the reason behind his panic situation. It could be anything either he forgot his wallet at home or someone stole his wallet. Make every kind of guess that comes to your mind even if it’s not the case behind his frustration. From doing this, you will learn how to describe scenes.

You can also use your personal experiences to develop content such as memorable trips, a funny encounters, a challenging situation; you are adding authenticity and depth into your writing by using your own experiences. Whether you write a personal essay, fictional story inspired by real event from your own life; it can be a wellspring of inspiration or lesson for others.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

You can also share your knowledge of specific field; write articles about how to learn and develop particular skills. When it comes to learning, there is always something new to learn whether it’s mastering a musical instruments, improving photography skills or becoming pro at coding and people seek those guidance and tips that you already have.

I hope you find this article helpful. It’s not like I am pro at content writing but I think these things can be useful when it comes to writing stories or articles.



Rain Again

Hey there! This is Rain. Physiotherapist| Learner| Digital Marketer| Graphic Designer.