Putting Readers First: Why I Stopped Monetizing My Medium Articles

Generosity and the open flow of LOVE & LIGHT shine bright.

Infiniti 🦋


Canva Project

“Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.”

— The Dalai Lama XIV

In September, I was guided to deselect the option that Medium has preselected for you when publishing an article. This is what it looks like:


I have been publishing everything with that in place for a long time. It seems so obviously counterintuitive now maybe not for everyone, but definitely for me.

One of the things I liked about Medium is that you don’t have to pay, but you actually get paid to create a space to share information and a way for people to find my work and business.

I was guided to write an article about how, for people who offer any kind of deeper work with their clients, writing articles on Medium is far superior to posting on Instagram.

The fact is that most of my clients over the last 3+ years have found me through Medium. Not Google, not Instagram, not Facebook — it’s been Medium. People searching for help and information find my articles, and then guided to reach out and work with me.

When I say MOST, I mean about 98% of my clients have come through Medium.

That means that this is a fantastic platform for people to find me because they are seeking knowledge, deep undersatnding and healing on a level that is magical and unique.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

While it was nice getting that monthly payout of anywhere between $50–150+/month from my Medium articles, it is important to note that it is very little compared to a lot of writers on Medium.

Many people make a living writing, but my business isn’t writing, my business is my Soul Work; helping people find the path to healing from chronic, debilitating conditions and/or working on spiritual connections, and their evolution to living their Life Purpose and Soul Missions.

Writing is an enormous part of what I do, but I’m not solely a writer. If I was a full-time writer, then I probably wouldn’t consider demonetizing, but my path and purpose go well beyond writing and being read.

It’s a gateway to so much more — if someone is ready for that.

I have been guided to see The Truth about my writing; it is a powerful tool and a big aspect of how I am to help The Collective of Awakening Empaths.

It’s a tool to share the messages, channeling, personal stories, and teachings that are all under the umbrella of spirituality, healing, evolution, cosmic weather, astrology, and the like — and more of it is to come through in the future.

Taking my articles out from behind the paywall makes it accessible and easy for anyone who is guided to my articles to consume them.

That’s more important to me than making whatever it may be for the reader, which, unless they are read by thousands of people, is really not much money, and it makes much more sense to have my articles accessible.

If anyone is inspired to donate to me directly for my time and energy in providing my articles, then I have that information at the end of every article.

The bottom line is that I want more people to read my articles.


While my monthly payouts have plummeted, my reads are way up.

More people are reading my newly published articles, and my old ones.

Below are screenshots of my views and reads from December 2020 to December 2023. As you can see, not only views but reads are way up now that I have demonetized all of my new articles since September.

In December 2023, I have fewer views, but that’s mostly due to not having written much less vs. in December 2022, however, what’s significant is the difference in the percentage of the views that converted to reads.

In December 2023, there are many more reads per view than in December 2022, and the difference is that my articles aren’t behind the paywall anymore.

Screenshots of my Story Views vs Reads

No longer confined by paywalls or subscription barriers, I'm choosing to prioritize inclusivity and accessibility, echoing the very essence of my spiritual journey and Life Purpose and Soul Missions; offering as much clarity, information, and support for Awakening Empaths as possible.

Beyond the articles, I extend my reach freely through various platforms:

Podcast: Infiniti’s Shaman Circle and video versions and more on:
YouTube Channel:
Infinite Empath Transfigurations
Facebook Page:
Infiniti-Empath Healing & Spiritual Guidance

I also send out timely and informative emails through my website and Medium subscribers.

Screenshot of my YouTube Channel Page

For the last several years on YouTube, Instagram, and Fireside I regularly went live to offer the following for free:

Guided Spirit Walk Mediations for The Full & New Moon, Stargate’s, Eclipses, Solstices and other days when guided, Cosmic Energy Updates, Energy Healing, Oracle & Tarot Readings, Mediumship Readings, Medical Mediumship Readings, Psychic & Spiritual Readings.

Screenshot of my Facebook Page

Across Instagram, Facebook, my website Blog, my emails, and here on Medium I offer various articles, stories, channeled messages, and general spiritual guidance as I am guided.

Screenshot of my podcast on Spotify.

My new podcast, Infiniti’s Shaman Circle, began with its connection to The Soul Quest Program with the first 9 episodes explaining each of the Body & Soul Maps that participants of the program work through on a weekly basis. I was guided to make that part of the podcast to help anyone understand each body, and have a glimpse into what we would be working on in the program.

Since my move to Northern California in June, I’ve only published to my podcast a couple of times.

It just hasn’t been a focus of mine as I have been creating other things as I settled into the new directives of my work going forward.

I was guided to put a lot of time and effort into establishing a community on Facebook, creating new donation-based services (see below) and memberships; The Unstoppable Empath Course & Group Monthly Membership & The Awakening Empath Shaman Circle Monthly Membership.

Both offer weekly meetings, a private Facebook Group, and specific types of spiritual and practical guidance, and Body & Soul Work.

When it comes to my podcast, there will be renewed effort put into it in 2024. I will announce that soon, and it is something I’m very excited about.

A little hint: it is in alignment with freely offering information, validation, and connections to my fellow Awakening Empaths and their individual and unique journeys. Stay tuned!

Various Paths To

While my decision not to monetize on Medium signifies a commitment to accessibility, it’s important to highlight the diverse spectrum of offerings within my spiritual guidance practice.

I was guided to create deeply discounted, donation-based services to create opportunities for individuals constrained by financial limitations exclusively through my Facebook page.

Click this link to the post on Facebook for the details for each of these donation-based services.

It’s my firm belief that healing, and spiritual guidance and information should not be hindered by monetary barriers.

This is why I’ve been guided to give my time and services away for free on various platforms, create special donation-based offerings for those who follow me on Facebook, and have a wide range of higher level one-on-one offerings that demand extensive time, energy, and personalized attention.

These sessions, due to their intensity and the very limited number of individuals I can work with at a given time, necessitate fees commensurate with the high-level attention, healing, time commitment and transformative experiences I deliver to my highest-level clients.

My intention behind this multifaceted approach is simple yet profound and Divinely Guided.

That is to offer a range of avenues through which Awakening Empaths can access spiritual guidance, whether through free content, discounted opportunities, or immersive, comprehensive experiences.

It’s a balance that enables me to serve a wide array of individuals, ensuring that spiritual and life transformation remains accessible without compromising the quality and depth of the transformative work I offer.

My decision not to monetize my articles anymore is a reflection of my dedication to accessibility and inclusivity in sharing spiritual guidance.

It’s about breaking down barriers and ensuring that raising your consciousness and your ascension is within reach for all who are guided to me and my work.

Photo by Danny Howe on Unsplash

As I continue on this path, I remain committed to serving humanity, one Soul Connection at a time, across various platforms, and through a diverse range of offerings, fostering growth, the fast-track deep healing approach to evolution, and transformation.

All of my most recent articles are now free, and I am working on demonetizing my entire library.

I hope that you take full advantage of this, and read all of my articles!

Please don’t forget to clap and respond if you do read them — it’s not so much that my ego needs the recognition, but it is about helping Medium know that you value my content, and they offer it to more people.

Take it a step further: share on your social media, tell your close friends and family who are in alignment to receive the type of no-nonsense, high-vibe spiritual guidance for higher consciousness, and practical living for all Awakening Empaths.

Explore The Unstoppable Empath Live Course & Group Membership!

One of my most exciting new endeavors and creations is my new group membership.

It is in alignment with offering critical knowledge and a path to healing while being as inclusive and accessible as it can possibly be.

If you’re seeking a more structured and immersive spiritual journey, I invite you to discoverThe Unstoppable Empath Live Course & Group Monthly Membership.”

This life-changing experience, beginning on 1.11.2024, is tailored for Awakening Empaths looking to take control of their lives through a method and regimen of self-healing energy work working with energetic connections to recouperate and MAXIMIZE vital Life Force Energy.

The membership offers the live-taught course weekly for a month, then weekly meetings, and a private Facebook Group, and deep discounts for members to meet with me monthly for more personalized and private guidance, all for only $35/month.

My priority with this membership is to offer a powerfully transformative experience that greatly empowers members to take control of their lives without having to spend a lot of money, while creating a robust, supportive spiritual community, and ultimately; movement in self-care.

I envision the multitude of members balancing out the low cost per individual, making this a win-win for everyone.

Canva Project

Those who join The Unstoppable Empath Membership by 12.31.2023 will receive a $55 off coupon code for their first month subscription on any tier of The Awakening Empath Shaman Circle Group Membership.

Click here to access detailed information about the course, view the webinars, and register for updates.

If you're unsure whether this experience is the right fit for you after watching the webinar’s, then I welcome you to request a consultation through the registration form to explore how this course can benefit your spiritual growth and personal empowerment journey.

Join me on this ultra-deep healing expedition to self-discovery, and empowerment.

Together, let’s unlock the potential within and embrace the journey of becoming an Unstoppable Empath!

As always, thanks for reading and I hope that you are inspired to read all of my articles past, and future — and of course, join us in our group memberships and beyond!

About Infiniti

Photo of Infiniti

I am Infiniti, a Divine Angelic Incarnate.

As a channel and vessel for Mother-Father God, Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals, together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

Our priority is to remind you of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and how I can help you on your journey of healing and ascension at Infinite Empath

If you visit my website, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my website to receive emails on the latest channeled messages, energy updates, events and new offerings.

Follow my Infinite Empath Transfigurations Page on Facebook and discover the Facebook Exclusive Offerings in the Featured Section of my page.

This article is NOT behind the paywall. If you feel this article, or any of my work has helped you on your journey, and you would like to donate to me, please follow this link:



Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.