Resilience helped me write 30+ articles a month.

10 hacks I learned from 10 mental toughness books.

2 min readJan 26, 2024


Writing =Roaring=Resilience. Credits: Unsplash

Though, anyone can do it. But, no one can do it for you.

You and you alone have to do the work.

  1. Get out of the self-limiting mindset — it is indeed possible to write more than one post a day. Till Roger Bannister had not run a mile in less than 4 minutes, it was deemed impossible.
  2. Be action-oriented: For every 2 articles you read on medium, write 1, comment on 3. Every learning should be converted to action & to building a community.
  3. Compartmentalise. Writers like Eve Arnold have been writing 500+ articles with a constant 9–5. They don’t let bad days at work & no writing become bad weeks.
  4. Connect ideas from different articles to create a unique one. This shall become 2nd nature to you after you write 20–25 articles.
  5. Find what people are resonating with — Evaluate the comments that are getting high hits — not just in your article but whatever you read — they are the topic for another article.
  6. Find a 10x mentor before 100x. Asking people with a few thousand followers gives more hands-on guidance & practical tips for your content than those mega-courses.
  7. Be selective about feedback in the early stages. Protect your fire, friend. With few articles and few followers, finding your voice is easier. Feedback later, write now!
  8. With that, Experiment — deliberately make ourselves uncomfortable. Follow the 1% rule — what else could I do, what else could I add? Be obsessed with this list of trials rather than refreshing the stats for followers like a maniac.
  9. Practice beats talent. Write 1 longer article a day or 2 short forms. If that’s not possible, write 1 short form. If that’s not possible, write an article outline. If that’s not possible, write the headline. If that’s not possible, write the date.
  10. Do not put all eggs in one basket. Explore 2–3 different niches. This not only helps point 4 but builds long-term resilience against idea droughts.

When you’re writing your 30th article, one of two things will happen: the first will be tough, like wrestling that self-doubt dragon. The tenth will be tricky if you haven’t built a content system to keep the ideas flowing.

But here’s the secret: keep experimenting, keep ideating. On a loop.

That’s where the magic happens.

Remember, this isn’t just about churning out content, it’s about building a kingdom of words, fueled by your voice and fire.

Go forth, brave writer, and conquer your blank page!




Thankyou for reading. Sharing stories and thoughts as I am learning in life. Publication ( for job hunting & interview tips.