Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

Rigidity & Flexibility: Which is Better in the Habit-Building Process

Abdelrahman Elyamany
Published in
Jul 3, 2023


At first glance, a flexible system will look like a sustainable solution for any phase.

It’s partially true. Let me explain why.

Flexibility when defining the system you’ll work on makes you ask the worst question. Do I need to do this? Flexibility, in the beginning, invites you to negotiate against yourself.
Which never leads to forming a habit or making you thrive

Rigidity, on the other hand, works well when you build your habit.
It gives your mind a clue this time is allocated for doing x.
In other words, this habit or act is not eligible for negotiation. It’ll happen whatever happens.

BUT, rigidity is not sustainable for the long game.

Learn when to shift the gears.

Have built the habit? ⇒ Prioritize flexibility
Still building the habit? ⇒ Prioritize Rigidity.



Abdelrahman Elyamany

Entrepreneurial-Minded Graphic Designer | Presentation & Branding | Design + Business + Reflections (Daily)