Should You Join the NewsBreak Contributor Network?

My thoughts on the news site

B.R. Shenoy
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]
4 min readJan 25, 2022


Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

I recently became a contributor on NewsBreak after reading reviews on the platform from several writers on Medium.

NewsBreak is a community-based platform that allows individuals to stay connected and informed.

As a writer, I was interested in diversifying my portfolio. In addition to Medium and now NewsBreak, I publish on other platforms such as Vocal Media and Simily.

Furthermore, my work has also been featured in Scary Mommy, The Good Men Project, Positively Positive, Her View from Home, and other online publications.

For the moment, I am using NewsBreak primarily to repurpose several Medium articles of mine. I have written one new article exclusively for the site.

The Platform

The NewsBreak platform is relatively user-friendly, although it occasionally glitches when I attempt to move a picture.

I have published seventeen articles thus far, and I have received numerous impressions and page views. Several articles of mine have even gone viral, much to my surprise.

When someone sees your headline but does not click on it, this is referred to as an impression



B.R. Shenoy
SYNERGY [Newsletter Booster]

Editor: The Shortform and Dancing Elephants Press•12X Boosted Writer•Former Expat on 3 Continents• MS Toxicology• Proud Mom of 2.