Life Lesson/Advice

Six Mindset Tools That Can Transform Your Life

šŸ„°Lanu PitanšŸ„°
Published in
6 min readFeb 3, 2021


These special and extraordinary mindset tools lay dormant in your subconscious waiting for your action.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What do Eleanor Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, Walt Disney, Nelson Mandela, and Mahatma Gandhi have in common? What made them special, and transformed them from the ordinary to the extraordinary that we know about them today? There is only one answer. They have all utilized the six incredible mindset tools (we are going to talk about), which is present in their subconscious to transform their lives.

There are six incredible powers that lay concealed in our subconscious that we can use to transform our ordinary life into the extraordinary. These are the powers used by the Albert Einstein of this world to tap into the direction of opportunities to succeed. These are the tools of dream builders.

These powers are not new, it is just that most of us have not dug deep enough to consider them useful to our current situation, so they lay dormant. Indeed, only 3% of the worldā€™s population have actually utilized them to transform even incredible circumstances. No wonder Geniuses like Albert Einstein are becoming rare in todayā€™s world.

Here are ways to unlock and utilize these tools to the best advantages

Unlock These Six Incredible Tools Now

1. Perception

Perception is the meaning you place on yourself and on your circumstances through your senses. Your perception rubs on your dreams and aspirations. How do you utilize perception as a tool to improve your situation? This is by looking at your current situation, your current result. What do you see? And what perception do you give to them? Research indicates that your perception stimuli are what will happen to your dream and aspiration. We are talking about visual perception here. The problem is that perception is not reality, but your perception can alter your reality in a way, that can affect your behaviour towards your dreams and goals.

ā€œSuccessful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.ā€ John Maxwell

So the secret of unlocking your perception is that of paradigm shift. You have the power to shift your perception. Choose a new perception that empowers you towards achieving your dream. If you do not believe in the success of a plan, that is your perception of it, and you are not going to work towards it, at least not in a way as you would do if you believe in it.

If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is ā€” infinite.
ā€• William Blake

What William Blake is saying here is that you can change or cleanse your perception, and if you so do, then you will see a door open to infinite possibilities.

2. Reason/Logic

Most people want issues to conform to reasoning, otherwise, the idea is thrown in the box and locked up. You often hear them say, it is beyond reason, or unreasonable. Yet we can choose to reason out of the box. Again this is a general perception that ideas that do not conform to the general reasonability cannot come to fruition. This is not true. There is nothing wrong with thinking in an extraordinary way.

Walt Disney is an American Entrepreneur who went ahead with the creation and pioneering of the Walt Disney animation industry when it was unreasonable to do so. The result, even years after his death speaks for itself.

ā€˜ā€™Logic is like the sword, those who appeal to it shall perish by it.ā€™ā€™ Samuel Butler

The benefit of thinking outside the usual reasonability allows for experiencing and innovation which has been the bone of great discoveries across the ages.

3. Imagination

Imagination is more important than knowledge, said Albert Einstein. Most successful people use imagination to build up and develop their future. The power of imagination is to dream and focus on what you want to achieve, where you want to be by using the information you gather from all available sources to build this powerful image.

ā€˜ā€™The world is but a canvas to the imaginationā€™ā€™ Henry David Thoreau

Researchers confirmed that imagination occurs in neuro activities of the brain, and have the capacity to transform into reality. It is the power of the imagination that will fuel your skill and bring what you imagine to reality. Remember the phrase, ā€˜ā€™if you can imagine it, then you can achieve it.ā€™ā€™

We can unlock the power of imagination by enriching this capacity in us, educate ourselves by realising that the power of imagination is unlimited, it is vast and we can continuously dream out all possibilities.

4. Intuition

Intuition is regarded as the land of all solutions. It is an unconscious guide that has been recognised and trusted by all men, both great and intelligent, as a perfect guide that does not err. Intuition is above reasoning. It is what comes to you suddenly from nowhere, a gut feeling that sounds like a haha moment for you. You know it is true, only if you have trained yourself to respect your intuition, otherwise, the message disappears, never to resurface again.

ā€˜ā€™Intuition is the whisper of the soulā€™ā€™ Jiddu Krishnamurti

Great men and women have learnt to unlock their intuition by trusting the message it brings. Intuition has a great place in decision making in that its outcome is faster, clearer and concise.

The key to unlocking your intuitive power is to listen to it. Train your mind to recognise it, listen and most importantly act on its message.

5. Memory

It is usual for us to utilize our memory by looking back and reminiscing about the past. However here, we use the memory in a forward-looking model. What will it be if all our dreams, hope, desires and aspirations are achieved? How pleasant will that be, how lovely to be able to do all that we are able to do, give the help you can, especially financially.

ā€˜ā€™Today I know that such memories are the key not to the past, but to the futureā€™ā€™ ā€” Corrie ten Boom

We can project our memory forward, using the past analysis, that is, understanding the past to project the future. We unlock this inner power to achieve by mesmerising on the success we hope to achieve and relishing in it. We are happy and grateful for achieving. That is all we do because we believe in it.

6. Will-Power

Will power is huge in not only making any decision but also acting on the decision. My brother, a psychiatrist always say that he works first on the will power of an addict to make the patient quit. If the patient lacks will power, then he/she is not ready to quit.

ā€œStrength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.ā€ Mahatma Gandhi

Willpower is needed to carry out the simplest task, willingly and to satisfaction. We are saying here that we need will power to accomplish any goal and overcome procrastination. We can use the power of will power against stubborn human nature. Will power is important in carrying out our goals within the deadline.

The Takeaways

Everything is possible to achieve if you are really serious about it. It all depends on you. There is no I canā€™t. You can if you want to.

The above tools are inborn and within your power to utilize to achieve your dreams, desire and aspiration.

Think of your reason to achieve and fuel your reason. You will be happier, in control of your life, healthier, more able to manage your relationship and have less stress.

