Slow Down, Reconnect, and Just Do It.

Vikram Sharma
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2022


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash.

Cut it out.

Cut off from the distractions around you for a moment. Put your phone aside. There is a whole world functioning around you, I know. Maybe you are hearing sounds from your neighbor's house, some songs being played in the distance, and dogs barking outside?

A lot happening around you. Let it all be.


You need some time here. Maybe a little more than you think.

For yourself, from yourself.


What is it? What have you been delaying lately? What have you been procrastinating about?

“I will do it soon”, “Will do it tomorrow”….You know what I am talking about, don't you?


You’ve been distracting yourself with mindless engagement, you know it when you do it. You are not engaging fully these days, doing most of the stuff half-heartedly. Trying to do it all and ending up not doing anything maybe? Or Pretend that mindless engagement is important, maybe?

Hey, you know it the best.

Slow down.

Now, cut out the things that do not matter you know there are certain things more important than others. You know there are certain areas that require your immediate attention, while others can wait for a bit. You know what you’ve been putting off, c’mon.

Write them down.

Clarity is important, extremely important. Many things matter, but most don't. Know the difference between the two. Pen it down.

Trust Yourself.

There you go.

Now, do what you need to do, get onto it. I trust you.

Thank you for reading.

