So You Want to Be a Writer? Think Again

Writer’s Block Got Nothing on This.

Saima ★
4 min readJun 22, 2024


Photo by Ashlyn Ciara on Unsplash

Although it may come across as harsh, this is something that must be said. I have been preaching the gospel of writing for years.

Everyone within earshot has heard me say that everybody can write and that everyone has a tale to share.

Everyone Can Write, But Not Everyone Should

And while that is somewhat true, I’ve realized something shocking: not everyone is meant to be a writer.

Let me clarify before you start hurling your pens and notebooks at me.

A large, sprawling digital landscape full of posts, blogs, and articles is the internet.

Furthermore, what do you know? It is largely the same.

The same pieces of advice are repeated while appearing to be fresh, akin to a huge echo chamber.

The same corny life lessons, the same financial advice, the same productivity tricks.

I might simply scream if I read another article on how having a cold shower will increase my productivity.

The problem here is that a lot of wannabe authors think that writing well is merely about piecing together attractive words.

However, it isn’t the case. Great ideas are the foundation of great writing.

An intriguing viewpoint, a novel idea, a novel approach to a well-known subject. Maybe you should give writing another thought if all you’re doing is paraphrasing what other people have stated.

Say Something New or Don’t Say Anything at All

Consider the several streams that suggest paying yourself first in order to save money.

While it’s undoubtedly sound advise, how many times before it becomes stale?

Now, that would catch my attention if someone stated, “Hey, I saved money by pretending I was broke and only spending the loose change I found in my couch.

It’s novel, peculiar, and unlike anything I’ve ever heard.

Writing may not be your thing if you’re bored and can’t think of anything fascinating to write about.

And it’s alright.

Storytelling isn’t something everyone is born with.

Unfortunately, not everyone possesses the gift of oratory. Different people excel in different areas. And every kind of talent is needed in this world.

Trust Your Own Voice

If you have trouble believing in your own judgment, there’s another red flag that you might reconsider your dream of being a writer.

Reading other blogs for ideas is a common pitfall for writers.

They mimic what they read, and soon enough, there is yet another duplicate article contributing to the clutter.

Genuine motivation from within.

It is based on your personal beliefs, ideas, and observations.

Your writing will suffer if you rely too much on the ideas of other people. What you’re doing is imitating.

Do not steal ideas for your blog entries from other people’s work; this is one of my fundamental writing guidelines.

Believe that what you have to say is special. Your opinion counts. I value your perspective. Perhaps writing isn’t for you if you find that hard to believe.

The Right Mindset and Experiences

It need a specific frame of mind to write well.

Having an opinion worth sharing is more important than simply being good at putting words together. Because of the things we’ve been through, we have stories to share.

I took a five-month road journey across Northern Pakistan before I began writing professionally.

I made a lot of money freelancing, and I got to meet fascinating people and see great places.

A plethora of material for writing emerged from those events. I was able to gain wisdom and understanding from them that I could then impart to others.

What do you have to say if you haven’t experienced life, the full spectrum?

Your writing will mirror your life if it’s full of boring routines and you’ve never tried anything new.

Lacklustre, uninteresting, and monotonous it will be. Many fascinating lives have been led by great writers. Because they have experienced the world, taken chances, and overcome obstacles, they have stories to share.

Go Have an Experience

So, if you want to be a writer, my recommendation is to get some experience. Take a risk and do something scary.

Explore a different location. Join a new interest group.

Push yourself to your limits in ways you never imagined.

Writing will take on more nuance and vibrancy as a result of your life experiences. They will provide you with authentic material for your writing.

Sure, not everyone enjoys writing.

And that’s totally okay. Artists, educators, engineers, and doctors are all essential.

People with construction, healing, teaching, and creative skills are needed. Figure out something you’re good at if writing isn’t it. Love it, take care of it, and be the best at it.

Embrace Your True Calling

But if you think you have something unique to say and can’t wait to get it out, then write.

Put your heart and soul into what you write, and do it with the conviction that your words have value.

People will pay attention to what you have to say when you write honestly and from the heart.

And for the sake of everything that is holy, please don’t only tell us to take cold showers if you are going to write.



Saima ★

I am Saima 🇲🇾 , a team head, devoted daughter, & an influential speaker. I hold a brilliant writing background and an MBA. I'm a lifetime learner. 📚🎉