Start Your Own Newsletter To Earn An Income At Home

A. Nicole
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2022


There are so many places in which anyone with a passion and motivation to write it down for others to read to earn an income. You don’t have to spend anything except some time to be able to create content for others to read. After all, who hasn’t heard the phrase, “If you build it they will come.”?

So where would an aspiring writer be able to publish their newsletter free of cost, but still be able to monetize it to subscribers? There are more than half a dozen websites, other than Substack, that provide a platform for you to launch your content.

Best Substack Alternatives

Beehiiv Logo

A truly great, if not better, alternative to Substack.

Beehiiv offers a feature rich platform for users to understand, entertain, and grow their audience. I just launched my old Substack newsletter onto Beehiiv, and I have been pleasantly surprised by all the things I was able to customize. You can see my newsletter here. It might inspire you with your own content creation.

Revue Logo

Twitter’s Substack alternative.

Revue is an extension of Twitter, which makes it a pretty popular and relatively easy-to-use option. For people who already have a following on Twitter, this would be a great choice for turning your followers into paid subscribers. They are free to use as well. Revue will take 5% of your profits, but you don’t have to worry about coming up with funds upfront to launch your newsletter.

Ghost Logo

Ghost is powerful a tool for content creators.

Ghost users have so much at their disposal with this app. They can create a lot more than just a newsletter. Ghost allows for publishing by email or on the web. You have access to hundreds of amazing templates, so you’ll have no shortage of inspiration using this platform.

Mailerlite logo

Email marketing is made easy.

You can make beautiful emails and newsletters using Mailerlite. The templates they offer are very pleasing to the eye. They also enable easy integration with Zapier, Stripe, Paypal, Shopify, Facebook, and so many more. This is a great choice for someone who wants to use it for more than just creating a newsletter.

Mailchimp Logo

Intuit’s email marketing platform.

Mailchimp is another platform geared more toward email marketing than newsletters. They still offer such awesome customization and integration features that they are a good option for creators with more than just writing a newsletter on their agenda.

Chart comparing platform features

Our chart compares the listed platforms to the popular Substack. As you can see Beehiiv offers the referral program where Substack does not. That is not the only area in which Beehiiv outperforms Substack, which is why I recently made the change from Substack to Beehiiv. Give them all a try. You might find that your needs are more in sync with one of the other platforms mentioned.

Now that you know where to go, there’s nothing else to stop you from creating an income at home with just a computer and internet. Get to work growing that audience and soon you’ll see the results in your bank account.



A. Nicole

News junkie, UFO Investigator, Independent Citizen Journalist, foodie, and dog mom bringing you stories mostly from the Southeastern parts of the US.