Stepping out of my comfort zone... & into writing

Celine Ramkissoon
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2023


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

I always liked the idea of writing. Even though I’ve only written very few pieces, it’s something I enjoy. I think I could be really good at it, eventually.

I have so many thoughts and expressions that I want to put out there and hopefully reach a few readers.

I’ve recently been trying to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to do things I haven’t tried before. It’s scary to think about doing different things you aren’t accustomed to, but that’s where self-doubt comes in.

Part of living and learning is doing the scary and different things that your comfort zone doesn’t have.

I read an article on Medium recently that asked what I could do today that I couldn’t do a year ago. I considered my answers and some of them include: putting more effort into being productive, giving my energy to the things that are important to me, reading books for leisure and what I’m doing right now, stepping out of my comfort zone, and expressing my thoughts on here, by writing.

I’m also trying to believe in my abilities a little more. I’m not a professional writer. I do think I possess some level of competence.

The only thing to fear is fear itself.



Celine Ramkissoon

Law student & content writer. Absorbing inspiration everyday from life itself