Stop Chasing Ideas! This Secret Weapon Transformed My Writing( It Can Do For You too

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3 min readJun 21, 2024

There’s a hidden weapon every writer already has, waiting to unlock a wellspring of creativity!)

Focus on what matters: Cultivate core ideas for a clear and consistent writing voice

Imagine your creativity as a treasure chest overflowing with precious gems. These gems represent your core ideas — the foundation for a rich and vibrant collection of stories.

Beginner writers might feel the pressure to constantly chase after fleeting ideas, like butterflies flitting through a garden.

But what if, instead, we focused on polishing and nurturing these core ideas? Each gem holds the potential to be an engaging and captivating piece of article.

Why We Chase New Ideas:

The allure of the new is undeniable. The endless possibilities of storytelling can feel thrilling, leaving established ideas like neglected seedlings in the back corner. But this constant pursuit of the “next big thing” can be counterproductive.

It can lead to:

  • Fear of Stagnation: The worry that existing ideas are unoriginal or lack depth.
  • Scattered Inspiration: A plethora of undeveloped ideas that never reach full potential.
  • Difficulty in Execution: Without a strong foundation, translating ideas into stories can feel daunting.

Building Your Core Idea Collection:

My consistency improved when I shifted the perspective. Instead of a garden, imagine a treasure chest filled with precious gems — your core ideas.

How do you fill your chest? Here are some tools:

  • Brainstorming: Free write, mind map, or simply jot down themes, concepts, or questions that spark your interest. These are the rough diamonds waiting to be polished.
  • For example, you might brainstorm around the central theme of “personal growth.” This could lead to core ideas like overcoming challenges, building habits, or developing healthy relationships.
  • Research and Exploration: Dive deeper into your core ideas. Read books, conduct interviews, and observe the world around you. This adds facets and brilliance to your gems.
  • Refine and Combine: Look for connections between seemingly disparate ideas.
  • Create a System: Here’s where your treasure chest gets organized! Use a notebook, mind map software, or (like me) a Notion database. This is your personal gem vault, where you can track the evolution of your core ideas, add notes, and categorize them for easy access.

The Magic of Core Ideas:

Developing your core ideas offers a wealth of benefits:

  • Deeper Exploration: A single core idea allows you to explore its nuances and complexities from different angles, leading to richer and more versatile articles.

For example You can explore “budgeting for beginners” through a series of articles on different income levels, spending habits, or debt management strategies.

  • Versatility: Like a single gem cut into different styles, your core idea can be explored in various genres, formats, or with different characters.
  • Confidence and Consistency: As you master your core ideas, your writing becomes more assured and your voice more recognizable. Readers will come to trust your expertise in a specific area.

Think J.R.R. Tolkien: He didn’t rewrite “The Lord of the Rings” every time he wanted a fantasy story. His world-building and themes of good versus evil resonated throughout his works.

Action Plan:

Ready to start growing your own vibrant garden of ideas? Here’s your action plan:

  • Choose Your Seeds: Reflect on your interests and passions. Pick 2–3 core ideas that resonate with you.
  • Nurture Your Seeds: Devote time to research, exploration, and refinement. Your Notion database becomes the fertile soil.
  • Start Small: Don’t try to write a magnum opus right away! Use your core ideas in notes, or shorter articles. These are like practice sketches, allowing you to hone your craft and develop your ideas further.

The best articles often come from a deep well of understanding and passion. By cultivating your core ideas, you’ll create a foundation for a creative journey that’s both rich and rewarding.

This is a process, so keep exploring, keep learning, and keep unearthing the treasures within your core ideas.

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