Storyteller Tactics Review: Summary

Storyteller Tactics Review: TL;DR

The Guts in a Nutshell

Britni Pepper
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2023


Craft your story, capture your audience. (Image by author)

Pip Decks is a UK firm that produces oversized card decks aimed at summarising professional skills in an easy-to-use system. Leading a team, running a workshop, making a presentation, designing a user experience for your brand, generating good ideas.

Storyteller Tactics is one of these. Years of experience distilled like a single malt whisky into something you can pick up, scan, and use in a couple of minutes.

Everything about the cards is organised. Colour-coded, symbols, titles, dot points and diagrams on the back, a handy box to store them safely.

Lay out your plot, hook your market. (Image by author)

A clever touch is that each card links to other pertinent cards. You can consider every aspect of your presentation, your story, your sales pitch. Make it your own.

We humans love stories. Your audience won’t think that you or they are working. It’s entertainment. Tell a story you’ve prepared, link it to your business, deliver the call to action.

I love these cards. I lay them out, I move them around, I consider the possibilities. The story I want to tell moves from a vague idea into a structured plan and all I need do is put the flesh on the bones.

Every card comes with resources in “The Vault”. A PDF copy, front and back. A thumbnail you can move around on a diagram. A video explaining how to use it. A Slack community full of experience and ideas, supervised by customer support and the deck designers. A blog, videos of Q&A sessions, case studies, guides.

The cards are expensive. You are paying for the system, the resources, the support, not just a bunch of pretty cards. They come with a guarantee.

Use my discount code BRITNIPEPPER to get 15% off. I get a few dollars in return. The bold links above are affiliates, same deal. Or just go to the website, no strings attached, look around, discover the system for yourself.

My review series is free. I explore the cards, the systems, the tactics, link to independent reviews, and even show you how to get every word, every diagram, every dot point on every card for free, without paying a cent, with the blessing of the firm.

I believe in these cards. They are the wisdom of storytellers, passed on from ages past. The tactics work. They are a secret guide in the palm of your hand, and while they are expensive, they come with a money back guarantee.


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Britni Pepper

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.