Studying with ADHD: Tips from Personal Experience

Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2023
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Do you ever find yourself sitting at your desk, trying to prepare for your next exam, but your thoughts constantly wander? You gaze at the textbook, yet you end up reading the same paragraph over and over without truly grasping it. Yes, I’ve been there too. My name is Alex, and I’m a student with ADHD. Today, I’d like to share my personal experiences of studying with ADHD and offer some tips that have helped me navigate this unique journey.

Accept Your ADHD

The first step to successfully studying with ADHD is acceptance. You’re not alone, and there are many of us out there going through the same challenges. ADHD is a part of you, but it doesn’t define your abilities or your future. Embrace your uniqueness and recognize that you can still excel.

Find Your Learning Environment

A quiet library, a bustling cafe, or your own room — discover where you study best. For me, it’s often helpful to study in a cafe with low background music. Experiment to figure out what works best for you.

Harness Technology

Technology can be a blessing for students with ADHD. Use apps and tools to help with organization and time management. There are also apps specifically designed for learning with ADHD, such as MindMeister or Trello, which facilitate visual organization.

Schedule Breaks

Extended study sessions can be frustrating, especially for those of us with ADHD. Schedule regular breaks to maintain your focus. One technique that has helped me is the Pomodoro method — 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break.

Set Clear Goals

Establish clear, achievable goals for each study session. This helps break the task into smaller parts and prevents overwhelm. Reward yourself when you accomplish these goals, whether it’s with a small treat or a short relaxation break.

Take Notes

Never forget to carry a pen and notebook with you. Jotting down thoughts and ideas can help you stay more focused on your tasks and ensure you don’t forget important information.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to seek help. Talk to your professors about your situation and inquire about special support services at your university. Therapy or coaching can also be immensely helpful in learning strategies to manage ADHD effectively.


Lastly, but certainly not least, take care of yourself. Sleep, nutrition, and exercise have a significant impact on your concentration and mood. Ensure you get enough rest and maintain a healthy diet.

Studying with ADHD can be a challenge, but it is definitely manageable. You possess unique strengths and abilities that can make you a successful student. Use these tips to make your study time more efficient and less stressful. Remember, you’re not alone, and you can do this



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