Substitutes for Said

One word conveys meaning, emotions, and the background of a conversation

Brenda Mahler
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2023


Photo by Dušan veverkolog on Unsplash

The tagline in dialogue provides information to the reader. Lazy writers typically introduce the speaker, add the word said, and follow it up with a quote. However, experienced writers understand that the way a character speaks enlightens readers about the mood, environment, and tone.

In dialogue using “said” in the tagline, only reports the words that are exchanged. However, a writer who is selective when choosing the tag word, shares so much more. For example, words such as accused complained, and confessed provide a motive behind the speaker’s words. Pleaded, barked, and cried inform readers of the emotions. And with a single word the voice and volume of the speaker becomes evident, whispered, screamed, or whooped.

Too much of a good thing is too much. The word said should still be used when writing dialogue. An overuse of powerful words can create an abundance of tension and cause a reader to be uncomfortable.

Better yet, when possible try not to use a tag line at all. Avoid using tag lines each time a person speaks. This technique can produce dialogue that is natural and relaxed.

Overuse of tag lines identifies a novice writer and lulls readers to sleep or worse yet, prompts her to…



Brenda Mahler

Real life person sharing real life stories. Writing about travel, dogs, and healthy lifestyles.