That Dreaded Question About What You Do

It’s one of the first things people ask

Arthur Keith


That’s one T-shirt I’d never wear! Photo by My Networking Apparel on Unsplash.

I tried to retire, but things didn’t quite work out.

When I found that my monthly bills exceeded my income, it was time to take action.

One day, while reading Nextdoor (which is mainly for lost dogs and cats), I came across a posting from someone promoting a gig job delivering drugs.

“Perfect!”, I thought. “I like drugs.”

That would supplement the extremely large royalties I am receiving from Medium.


Between all of my sources of income, I still don’t earn enough to cover my obligations.

In 2021, I made more than $900 in one month on Medium. I thought that might be the beginning of the norm.

It wasn’t.

When you meet people for the first time, they often ask what you do for a living. I guess it’s an icebreaker question.

I usually freeze (haha). If I say I’m retired, the next question is, “What do you do with all of your free time?”

What free time? I’m always trying to make a buck. I’ve been selling my Xanax tablets lately.



Arthur Keith

My goal is to inform, educate, & entertain. Top writer in LGBTQ, Music, Climate Change. Directionally dyslexic with an excellent sense of direction.